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Sunday, June 05, 2016

Report: Husband Arrested in Fatal Beating of Man Who Tried to Rape His Wife

The enraged husband who beat a man to death with a tire iron for trying to rape his wife inside their Bronx apartment has been arrested and charged with manslaughter, police said.

“He threatened my wife,” explained Mamadou Diallo, as he was led out of the 42nd Precinct in handcuffs on Tuesday.

“He threatened my wife,” he said again, stone-faced.

The 61-year-old native of Guinea has been charged with manslaughter after coming to the rescue of his wife, Nenegale Diallo, at around 9:30 p.m. Monday after the terrified woman called him to tell him she had just broken free from an intruder who attacked her inside their Claremont Village home on Washington Avenue near East 168th Street.



  1. More liberal b.s. Crucify the victim because he reacted appropriately to thug's actions? Thug got exactly what he deserved; nothing more, nothing less. One less bad guy sucking off the taxpayers.

  2. See we are disarmed! taxes are increased to provide more police, courts, and jails however crime is still a problem? obviously trying to attack it on the tail-end doesn't work. Jails are crime training facilties, no Rehabilitation. This man should be given a medal. More dead criminals would save taxpayers money! Less cops, less courts, less jails, but the machine needs constant feeding so keep cheering!!!

  3. He's guilty.
    I suggest the following as punishment:
    One hour of community service.
    One month probation - all to be served at a luxury resort with his wife.

  4. Yes you van protect a life but when you go around looking to hurt someone you now become a Felon.

  5. The victims are the criminals now. Rape our wives and children .
    Thanks Obama and Hillary to come and take up the liberal slack.

  6. Knowing when to stop is important.

  7. The rapist identified as her lover, and so it was ok.

  8. 8:43:
    Tell that to the rapist.

  9. Maybe we need more of this. If the criminals have a real punishment for the crime maybe they will reconsider. If they went to the authorities they probably would have done nothing.

    We cannot fight back. But it is Ok for our government to release violent illegal aliens from our prisons who eventually kill innocent people.

  10. No jury will convict this guy of anything.

  11. Had Mamadou had a gun in his possession it would have been much cleaner and quicker but then again he would have been brought up on gun charges. I agree with Anon 6:13PM -
    "He's guilty.
    I suggest the following as punishment:
    One hour of community service.
    One month probation - all to be served at a luxury resort with his wife."

  12. Good thing he wasn't in Md. he'd be charged with first degree.

  13. As long as the rapist is still on the premises, he is still a threat. Any intruder on your property has no expectation of safety.

  14. He looked for trouble.
    He just found a lot more than he counted on.
    That's what happens sometimes when you look for trouble.
    Your "leaders".
    Here to make sure no good deed goes unpunished.
    Keep cheering.

  15. You people use sarcasm about this but locally a few years back a friend was almost prosecuted for firing at an intruder inside his home trying to get out. It was an unbelievable response from our so called authorities


  16. 4:03
    I can believe it, if the local friend resides in Maryland.


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