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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Obama: VFW Halls Are Getting the Wrong Story About America

Conservative media is giving Americans an incorrect view of the economy and racial divisions, President Barack Obama argued during a speech Wednesday in Elkhart, Indiana.

"America's economy is not just better than it was eight years ago. It is the strongest, most durable economy in the world," Obama said.

As he approaches his final months in office, Obama told the crowd he is concerned about the current direction of politics.

"I mean, we have been hearing this story for decades: tales about welfare queens, talking about takers, talking about the '47 percent,'" he said, in reference to Mitt Romney's secretly recorded comments during the 2012 campaign.



  1. He lies as much as Hillary. Anyone who searches for the truth will find this to be absolutely false. We are near a depression because of the liberals' lies and misguidance.

  2. Obama is delusional ,He can never admit a mistake or anything he has done that didn't work.


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