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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Not Lovin' It: Mothers, children beat up McDonald's employee over slow order, police say

BELLEVUE, Ohio — Three women in Ohio took their visit to a McDonald's to a whole new level when they decided they weren't lovin' the service.

Ashley England, Mary Jordan and Sammie Whaley were arrested for allegedly assaulting an employee in a McDonald's parking lot June 8.

The victim reported to police she believed she was assaulted because "she was working too slowly," the Bellevue Police Department explained in a Facebook post.



  1. look how delighted they are with themselves.


  2. What the heck is happening in this country. Has ISIS got to our drinking water, or ISIL as the White House crowd calls them.
    Look at the pose and stance these low level beauties are striking for the mug shot.
    And.....training the off springs, while committing this unlawful act.
    I'm getting short, but still fine it sad that others won't experience this great country I (we) were raised proudly in.

  3. White privilege even extends to trailer trash.

    1. There is no such thing as white privilege

  4. My friends and I call those types "whiskey tangos". (WT, white trash).

  5. part of the sentencing should be the 4-11 shift at the McDonalds for 180 days.

  6. This is what the world is coming to.


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