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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Not all the facts presented when criticism raised over solar farm opposition

The following is in response to a Salisbury Daily Times editorial published May 13 titled “What do Somerset County residents stand in favor of?”

I’m one of your so-called “protesters” concerning the solar farm on Plantation Road in Crisfield. Sir or madam whoever is responsible for this editorial, you do not have ALL the facts in this case.

I purchased property in the vicinity of this farm close to 40 years ago. Although the property where the proposed solar farm will be constructed was used for farming, it was NOT zoned agricultural but zoned Residential 2, where my property across the street is zoned Residential 1. The difference between the two is simply more homes can be placed on R-2 zoned land versus R-1. The zoning on this property has never been changed.

Zoning laws are created to protect our property and in this case, it did not. They are placing a solar farm which is considered “industrial” in a residential neighborhood on residentially zoned property. This was our first protest — zoning laws not being followed.

The county and the company “OneEnergy Renewable” have been working on this project for 3 years. The residents in close proximity of this proposed solar farm only became aware of this a few short months ago. So we have every right to pursue protection of our property. And that is what we have been doing. Not because, as you say, we are afraid of change!



  1. We all know how "buffering" goes with a construction project of this sort; a single row or two staggered rows of contractor grade 3-4 foot American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis,) a tree that takes decades to reach full maturity, growing vertically and horizontally about a foot each year. Until the trees approach maturity, what's behind them will be visible.

  2. Somerset zoning laws were waived by county commissioners without residents knowledge or permission.

  3. OneEnergy, the developer, is hiding details such as the elevated height of the solar inverters are 18' high so the planning commission will approve buffering based on the standard height of 10'.

  4. This working class community pays $millions in taxes to the county.
    This makes me question why County Commissioners are not representing them.

  5. You are invited to come see the solar farm on Waller Road....if you can see past the waist deep weeds. I don't know if they have ever gotten it on the grid yet but the fine management team obviously does not care how rotten the place looks....but then....considering the the beautiful overgrown, dump infested house next to it is decorated with old tires that have been imported from the dump, and waist deep weeds....why should they care? If the county cannot keep the dump from walking off how can they be trusted to manage a solar farm. Cannot wait for Zika to get here......this area is the BEST BREEDING ground for mosquitoes hands down. Sure wish someone would do their job!!!

  6. Good job Ms. Atkins! Excellent comment.

  7. Somerset County Commissioners hid this industrial project from nearby residents by robbing them of a Board of Zoning Appeals hearing.

  8. I don't have a dog in this hunt, but I have stories of other countries that produce so much electricity from natural means they had to give some away for free. With all due respect to those who would be directly affected by these 'farms', I think we should turn to methods like these to produce more power and our conventional means we have been using.

  9. Looks like these people's property rights are being violated. No way should a massive industrial development be placed in a densely populated residential area without due process.

  10. Is this another Rick Pollitt deal / scheme? What is his kick back on this deal? How bad is he going to screw the tax payer of Crisfield?


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