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Friday, June 03, 2016

NASCAR Pulls Off EPIC “Bathroom Law” Statement With THIS Move – TICKS Off Liberals

Liberals may be trying to cram as much of their agenda down our throats as they can, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is happy about it. At this weekend’s NASCAR race, someone had a little fun with Obama’s new bathroom law, and surely made some liberals cry in the process.

Signs on the porta-potties in the parking lot at the Coca-Cola 600 NASCAR race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway in North Carolina on Sunday poked fun at the ongoing controversy in the state–and the nation–over a bathroom law that requires people to use public restrooms that correspond to their biological gender.



  1. Thats what they wanted so i say put a outhouse in the all schools butt they will still complain

  2. I'm not seeing how this is EPIC, as the Q in LBGTQ literally stands for Questioning, so the ? is certainly appropriate.

  3. 9:46, I agree with you. When you read the word "EPIC" you expect something, well, EPIC. This didn't think even make me chuckle. But, aside from the hyperbole, the simple misuse of the English language is out of control. Epic means nothing more than "long".

    Full Definition of epic
    : a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero
    : a work of art (as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic
    : a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epic

    Describing things as EPIC has becomes ridiculous and lazy.

    1. I would saw the same for "awesome". My making a selection from a restaurant menu shouldn't be described by the server as " awesome". Unless he is truly awed by the fact that at my age I can actually make a menu choice.

  4. People still go to NASCAR?


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