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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Man accused of holding wife captive in Salisbury apartment

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) — A Maryland man is accused of holding his wife captive for nearly three months in the couple’s Salisbury apartment.

Court documents show 51-year-old Michael David Austin has been charged with false imprisonment and reckless endangerment.

Records say Austin’s wife states that her husband had kept her locked inside their apartment since March 26. His wife told police that Austin would lock the door from the inside and outside when he would leave for work.



  1. Couldn't go out a window?

  2. SPD duncan will say it was just a minor argument now stop bothering me i am busy making thug pizza.

  3. It's real imprisonment only when the government does it.

  4. Don't believe it couldn't scream, couldn't tap on windows when mail person came, no phone at all, no one who knew her during all that time came to check on her, sounds fishy.

  5. 9:46, I read a local article that stated that the windows were blocked off or glued shut. Anyway, she couldn't get out. He would leave for work and lock her in. She didn't even have access to a phone. Horrible.

  6. SPD already charged him, so the minor argument comment is worthless.

  7. 9:46 if you bothered to read an article, listen to the news or use google you would find that he also had the windows permanently shuttered closed.
    Your comment implies that you do not believe her and think she is stupid.
    Shame on you, typically hillbilly eastern shore mentality.

  8. Wow, I knew that guy in the old synagogue building was creepy, but I had no idea this was going on.

  9. Walls made of steel? Why not go thru the dry wall?
    Flood the apartment? You can't tell me she couldn't get out a window! Was she chained and shackled? This is bull crap!

  10. 12:43, Have you read any articles at all regarding this horrifying incident? He made the windows inaccessible. Locked her in when he left. She did not have a phone. I believe it was a brick building they lived in. Why are you so dead set against the fact that this is TRUE?!?!

  11. 12:43. In an apartment a person has neighbors. no way this was happening against her will. As said above,she could've stopped up drains and flooded the apt. Went thru walls! Beat on the front door! Took the hinge pins out! It does not add up! She was in an apartment not 411 Naylor Mill Rd!

  12. I agree there's more to this story

  13. She was probably scared to death to do anything. Maybe she did try and failed. Who knows what he filled her head with while being locked away. I think I would have thrown something through a window if I could have gotten to it. This was supposedly in downtown Salisbury. You would think someone could have seen or heard her but those old brick buildings were built better then the apartments of today are.

  14. 8:52
    If there is more we will probably never hear about it. Salisbury police never lets the tax payer's know what is going on.


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