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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Latinos Make Spirited Case For Donald Trump

There are a whole lot of Latinos who are disrupting the media’s anti-immigrant narrative pushed by the mainstream media.

Mark F. (@Latinos4Trump) put together a video making the case for why Angelo Gomez supports Donald Trump for president, and why many other Latinos do, too.

“My name is Angelo Gomez and I have something very clear to say to the liberal media and Hillary Clinton: yes, I’m an American Latino who supports Donald Trump.

“Yes, I come from a family rooted in immigrants and I support Donald J. Trump to be the next president of the United States.

“I support Donald Trump with every ounce of my being,” Gomez says, “for the very reasons that this country, that the Constitution, that this flag behind me was founded upon and that’s putting the American people first. That’s putting this country first.”

He adds, “Hillary Clinton is the face of an incompetent politician who has lied to, who has cheated, and who has gotten Americans killed.

“If we get this wrong, our country will no longer be here for the future generations,” Gomez says.

The video shows dozens of Latinos at rallies and around the country supporting Trump.

More here (with video)

1 comment:

  1. Nice video. I'm glad that real American citizens of all races are seeing that Donald is for the preservation of the American Constitutional values!

    Thank you, my Brothers!

    And I'm a White native born of German descent.


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