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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Katie Couric Accused of Deceptive Edits in Another Documentary

Katie Couric is being accused of deceptively editing another documentary, this one about obesity and the nation's food industry.

Couric was criticized for adding a pause that lasted nearly 10 seconds into a documentary about guns, an edit that, according to one of the people interviewed for the film, made gun owners look like "idiots."

The Washington Free Beacon is now reporting that Couric's documentary "Fed Up" contains two deceptive edits that attempt to make the interview subjects look bad.

The first edit is a seven-second pause after Dr. David Allison was asked a question.

Couric asks Allison about the science behind his assertion that sugary drinks may not play a larger role than other foods in the obesity problem. That assertion goes against the viewpoint of the film, which was produced by Couric.



  1. She is just doing what Hillary does.

  2. The press is almost all liers.

  3. She's just a part of the big "Machine" that most of America listens to every night on the evening news, because they can't afford anything but basic cable, thanks to the Democrat unemployment and minimum wage access to "Basic" cable or antenna only. Keep America in poverty, and they will have no access to the blogs.

    Low information voters are the Democrat's friends!


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