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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Judge blocks order sending Obama lawyers to ethics class

Justice Department lawyers and illegal immigrants won a temporary reprieve Tuesday after Judge Andrew S. Hanen blocked his own order sending the lawyers back to remedial ethics classes, and ordering the government to turn over information on tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who were erroneously granted a three-year deportation amnesty.

Judge Hanen said he’ll hear new arguments in August, and until then he issued a stay.

He also gave the Justice Department a chance to suggest its own punishment for having repeatedly misled the federal court.

The lawyers enraged the judge after they repeatedly told him no part of President Obama’s 2014 deportation amnesty, known as deferred action, was in effect. But the administration had in fact been granting three-year work permits and stays of deportation to some illegal immigrants under one of the 2014 policies that modified a 2012 amnesty already in effect.



  1. Political obama BS.

  2. Want ethics? Ask Hillary.

  3. And if Hillary get elected, this political BS will continue to happen. Vote Trump!

  4. LOL what's to be expected. You have obama, lynch, then there was holder ALL affirmative action ghetto hustlers (that means no morals, ethics and they lie like it's their predominate language.) Hey, you can't guild the lily. You have to tell it like it is or then you'd be lying yourself.

  5. Sounds like somebody "got" to the judge.

  6. When you lower the standards you get subpar

  7. Then charge them with a crime.

  8. The best part??? She will let the defendants "suggest their own punishment" for lying and deceiving the court.

    A defendant who has been CAUGHT deliberately lying and presenting false statements to the court gets to suggest his own punishment? WOW!!
    WHO out there doesn't think there are TWO SETS OF LAWS?
    They put in in your face every day and laugh at your casual indifference.
    Wonder why respect for law and authority are declining every day?
    YOU go to prison. THEY get a promotion and a pension.
    Keep cheering.


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