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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Here are both sides in the debate over Baltimore's $15 minimum wage proposal

Angie Mills, 51, has lived in and around Baltimore her whole life. For over 25 years she has worked low-wage jobs while trying to raise her three children.

Mills currently works as a janitorial service worker on Light Street downtown. She lives in public housing and has struggled throughout her life to provide food, education and health care for her family. Such struggles can be “pretty humiliating,” she said.

“The impact of a $15 minimum wage would really make a difference for me,” she said.

Mills and around 40 other low-wage workers, business owners and city officials testified before the Labor Committee of the Baltimore City Council during a hearing Wednesday evening at City Hall. The hearing concerned a bill proposed in April, by City Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke, that would raise the minimum wage in Baltimore to $15 per hour by July 2020. It would then index that minimum wage to keep pace with future cost of living increases for the city. The testimony on Wednesday was both for and against the measure.



  1. I am all for an increase but what about those people that started working at minimum wage and are making $13 or $14 per hour? Do they get an increase too? I have taken pride at working my way up through the ranks only to see someone with less skills work make as much or more money than me without having to work their way up to it. . I think $10 is fair but $15 come on. .. more handouts.

  2. Apartment rentals, housing etc will all go up as well. They will still need housing, food etc...its simply not the answer....Employers will leave and that means less 15 hour jobs which means MORE govt aid needed....NOT THE ANSWER.

  3. 1:13 - get your point. If they are going to raise it then everyone with experience needs a rise to adjust for the new minimum wage. Some people have degrees and 20 years experience are making between 15 and 20 per hour and content. But giving 15 to start now no matter the job is nuts. I am sure the loons on the left have an answer for this as well.

  4. The second sentence of the article says it all, "For over 25 years she has worked low-wage jobs while trying to raise her three children". Why would anyone have 3 children when they can't afford to support them. This type of irresponsible behavior by individuals is why the country is in the shape it's in.

  5. ...so, we should raise wages because someone spent a lifetime without ever being willing to learn a marketable skill? No thanks.

  6. 2:45 PM - more often than not it has to do with men leaving.

  7. Nononononononononononono! They can't even make change!


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