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Monday, June 20, 2016

Gun Shop Sells 30,000 AR-15s in Week Following Orlando Attack

A Federal Firearms License (FFL) permits gun store owners to manufacture and import firearms and ammunition across the United States. Even though each state has its own gun laws, Engle explained how it would be possible to buy an AR-15 online.

“You would have the firearm shipped to an FFL [agency] in your home state because every state is different and then we would ship that FFL firearms agency in your home state and they would be responsible to do the paperwork for you in your home state,” he said.

When Orlando Police Chief John Mina initially described the weapon used by shooter Omar Mateen as an “AR-15-style assault rifle,” media outlets ran with the classification. Several dropped “style” from the description.

It turns out, however, that the Islamic State-supporting killer was actually armed with a Sig Sauer MCX carbine during last Sunday’s attack. The semi-automatic AR-15, which is routinely confused as being a “machine gun” or fully automatic weapon, is one of the most popular rifles in the United States.



  1. Mass shootings always bring a surge in firearm sales. You conspiracy theorists claim the events are perpetrated by liberals to further gun control have it all wrong. They are perpetrated by the arms industry to boost sales.

  2. The weapon in the photo is not an AR-15.

  3. It may not be an AR-15 but sure is a scary....


  4. Every man, women and child should have one and a backup for sure.

  5. 2:23 Yeah, it looks like its going to do gun violence 2:23...should be a law against it (sarc)

  6. I know a lot of you will not like what I have to say, but no one should ever be allowed to own one of those guns. They only belong in the hands of our Military. Don't get me wrong I believe everyone should be able to own a gun if they want. But why would you need an assault rifle? You can't hunt anything but humans with that gun. Until they are taken off the market senseless shootings will continue.

  7. 4:09. You are ignorant. Educate yourself please and don't breed for heaven sakes.

  8. 4:09, Can you define "assault rifle"?........I didn't think so.

  9. LOL, 409! I have shot a few of these style guns at the range and would LOVE to have a FEW! Great in getting through heavy brush without snagging the branches and making noise, red dot sights that point to where the bullet will hit, guaranteeing a merciful, ethical kill! Great versatility and great for room to room combat when the home invaders strike!

    Did the doctor slip when you got your vasectomy?

  10. I think 4:09 meant to say, "Until drug dealers are taken off the streets senseless shootings will continue."

  11. 1:41 if thats not an AR-15 then its made to look exactly like one. So for the time being we will call it an AR-15.

    4:09 like everyone else said, you are spewing nothing but uninformed opinion. Most people on the shore know guns, except you.

  12. A weapon that looks like an assault weapon is not any scary than a handgun. Again for the uninformed people who call an AR-15 an assault weapon is totally wrong. The main point in describing an assault weapon is a weapon that has automatic fire capabilities. The AR-15 does not unless illegally modified. Also an assault weapon / weapon with automatic fire capabilities has been regulated by the Federal Government since the 1930's. There is severe paperwork to purchase / possess this type of weapon. They are very difficult to purchase in any State and prohibited sales in some States. The MSM needs to identify a weapon properly instead of scaring / lying to people. This is Liberalism for you along with uninformed people. Know your laws.


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