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Monday, June 27, 2016

Gun-registry-loving Obama Security Advisor Refused to “Record another Muslim”

“A Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim,” said Gamal Abdel-Hafiz (shown). This might not have been noteworthy except that Abdel-Hafiz was an FBI agent at the time and was refusing to do his duty, which at that moment involved taping a Muslim suspect.

That was 2002, and this is now. And now the Cairo-born Abdel-Hafiz has moved on to bigger and perhaps better things — he’s a homeland-security advisor to Barack Obama. And while recording a single Muslim is a problem for him, putting every single American firearm owner on a gun-registry he fancies a good idea. WFAA.com reports on his idea:

A former FBI counter-terrorism agent says lawmakers could make mass murders less likely. “What we need to do is keep the ownership of guns known to the government, so we know who has what,” said security consultant Gamal Abdel-Hafiz. “And I know a lot of people are against that.”



  1. So I guess Muslims should be disqualified from serving in such positions.

  2. And Loretta "forgot" to keep tabs on Omar's wife.....

  3. Get the traitors out of our government agencies. This should be one of the first actions taken by Trump after he is elected. Obama has packed them with Muslim Brotherhood slime bags.

  4. His statement says alot, no muslim is going to report another muslims intent to do the American people harm!


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