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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Carry 'F--- Cops' sign, win at least $50,000

Police officers in Westminster, Colorado, a bedroom community northwest of Denver, have been detaining or arresting, repeatedly, a man who carries around a sign with his dramatically low opinion of their department.

But they may want to learn to live with the “F— Cops” message on Eric Brandt’s sign.

Because he’s already gotten a settlement in one lawsuit against the city over the officers’ actions, and now two more are pending.

The newest complaint was filed this week against the city and officers Charles Rush and Ray Esslinger.

“For Plaintiff Eric Brandt, at this moment, it is difficult to differentiate the city of Westminster from a police state,” the complaint starts. “Mr. Brandt walks the sidewalks and streets of Westminster carrying a sign that reads ‘F— Cops.’ He carries this sign to raise awareness of the lawlessness and brutality regularly engaged in by Westminster police officers and officials.

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