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Sunday, June 19, 2016

BREAKING: Florida sheriff says body of toddler in alligator attack has been found

Lake Buena Vista, Florida (CNN)The 2-year-old boy who witnesses said was pulled by an alligator into a lagoon near a Walt Disney World hotel has been found dead by the Orange County dive team, Sheriff Jerry Demings said at a Wednesday news conference.

The body of the boy, Lane Graves, was found intact about 1:45 p.m., not far from where the boy was grabbed Tuesday night, Demings said.

He likely drowned, Demings said.



  1. Prayers for this little boy's parents, something they have to live with for the rest of their lives. So very sad.

  2. So tragic. So very sad. Rest In Piece and may God be with his Family.

    1. Obama will say it was a republican breed aligator.

  3. Horrible. His poor family. It was irresponsible of Disney not to have that area fenced off or at least have had major signage warning of alligators.

    1. And there should have been proper fencing of the water coming in through tje Channel.

    2. 1000% correct.

  4. Personally I feel so sad that these parents dont have sense god gave cricket. Who hangs out and lets babies play around where alligators live.

  5. This has been a bad month for small children.

  6. Or the parents not let their child wade into a lake in FL where alligators are a native species and there are signs stating no swimming. Not much different that the gorilla incident, parents not being attentive to their children in potentially dangerous areas. It is a by product of the false sense of security that people have believing that life is without risks.

  7. I'm sure they did.

    Another case of innattentive parents.

  8. Wow, these comments are atrocious. I hope with all my hearts that each of you perfect parents never have to go thru even a fraction of what these parents are going thru.

  9. This may or may not have happened, but it is kind of funny how this happened and now you all forgot about Orlando just like the govt wants... I told you, you would see more and more of this in the future and almost if not every week or every other week... They need you scared of something and they want your attention else where...

    It is funny how they show on the news a little boy with the shootings or some crap, and they never want to talk about or do anything about the cops who harm little boys, such as the ones they show on tv for gun control... Kids hit by stray bullets from how recoles these cops are but lets not talk about that, lets talk about a false flag in oprlando and oppps look a boy attacked by a gator, der-a-der which way did he go george...

  10. Sure are a lot of perfect parents on this blog! Shut up and hope something never happens to your child that the public will come back and blame you for. Accidents happen

  11. There were signs that said no swimming. It did not say stay out of the water. There is a beach where this happened, created by Disney! I think Disney hold a bit of the responsibility for this.

  12. stay in school 7:55!


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