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Thursday, June 30, 2016

BOOK: White House aide gave Bill Clinton sex — for Christmas!

According to Kyle, Clinton had a whole host of women at his disposal to meet his “sex addiction.”

While most men get socks or tools for Christmas, a White House aide reportedly gave President Bill Clinton something else: sex.

That’s one of many revelations in Dolly Kyle’s new book, “Hillary The Other Woman: A Political Memoir.”

According to Kyle, Clinton had a whole host of women at his disposal to meet his “sex addiction.”



  1. That tidbit has been known for years. Apparently the voters (or Hillary) never gave a rats a$$ - and still don't.

  2. Why would Hillary care? She has Huma at her side (and other places) constantly.

  3. That must be why he always had a smirky grin on his face.

  4. Everyone needs to do just like him, "Anyone but Hillary", he is never with her!

  5. And her Easter present made him rise again.

  6. He is a filthy satanist and freemason
    She is wicca


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