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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Bizarre Accident On Rt. 50

This guy must have been loaded. I don't know how he managed to wreck like this. He took out the Welcome to Salisbury sign by the Shorebirds stadium. In a more bizarre twist, he seems to have accidentally left a note saying he was "SAURY".


  1. Them ol duke boys at it again?

  2. OMG...thy must be calling for Snow Again!!!

  3. Nobody saw this? Nobody kept the man there or followed? He just left a note and rolled out? Wtf?

  4. Given our mayor, there is a big HOLE in the middle of Salisbury; figuratively and now literally.

  5. 4:03 Look at the photos and try not to be so literal. It was a joke from the Poster. If your still having trouble, God help you.

  6. That's straight up Dukes of Hazzard style!

  7. Good! It's about time those horrible, dated, ugly signs get replaced with something more modern and clean. They're garbage. They're right out of the disco 70s. It makes the town look behind-the-times.

  8. But...524 Salisbury IS behind the times!

  9. What if this person has a medical incident? Would this be as funny if it was your family member another had a medical emergency?

  10. Passenger: 50pts if you hit the sign

    Driver: hold my beer...(steps on gas)

    *Crash bang boom*

    Passenger: maby we should leave a note...O I gots it.. . How do you spell "saury"?

    Driver: sssss...sawww...urrryy....S.A.U.R.Y. Saury....

  11. he was in his 70 r 80 and in real bad shap real bad shap

    1. Well I drove by this accident and he must have hit the gas instead of the brake along with several other mistakes. He is lucky that his selfish desire to stay on the road (in a full size truck) didn't get someone killed. I will not feel sorry for him because he's old as it could easily have been many other innocent people in real bad shap.

    2. This was not a selfish desire to stay on the road. This was a medical emergency. No one needs you to feel sorry for anyone because my family and I put our faith in GOD and not in man. One day you WILL feel the pain we feel. May God have mercy on your soul. My father is the innocent one here. He wasn't driving under the influence of anything, like most, nor was he speeding, like most. Your desire to be negative and judge a situation that you obviously know nothing about is inhumane and insensitive. Be blessed.

    3. If you know he has medical problems why is he driving...

    4. Mom: Your father has had an accident. He is in the hospital, it's not looking good.
      Daughter: I will go on the local blogs and set the record straight, say goodbye to Dad for me.

    5. This is for 11:20 am, have you never been driving and all of a sudden gotten chest pains? Go and educate yourself before you attempt to come for anyone because you certainly won't win here.

    6. 11:20 You are pathetic.

  12. Lol its the sign that says saury. He didn't actually leave a note. Its a joke BC the damage to the sign ironically says saury.

  13. Not everyone who drives a pickup truck is a redneck. & it's sad you're more concerned about a sign than a persons wellbeing. That's what the post was about; an accident, not the fact that you can't afford to replace the sign yourself. Not sure how you saw this as an opportunity to redirect the story and use this space to talk about your personal problems. You might want to reevaluate sweetheart! If you don't like the road sign, you should move! But who am I! It's just a blog! To each his own right?! Or her own... But I'm sure it's all the same! 2016! Once Bruce Jenner happened nothing was the same! And with the way these woman age on the shore you never know what's what anymore! 😂😂😂

  14. Perhaps he was driving way too fast and lost control of his vehicle, you know speeding, that traffic offense that everybody wants cops to ignore bc we're really just collecting money to harass people and benefit ourselves.

    - Giovanni Jones

  15. Guy was older gentlemen , and really did a number on the sign and then a number on that bully goat he was driving !
    Should have been in a ford , might have made it to the next tree! Smh!
    Pore fella.

  16. I went by and saw something that was overlooked by everyone else;a black toupee hanging on a tree limb.

  17. I hope the driver is ok.

    1. Thanks 10:13 AM. The family appreciates your concern. There are still decent people in this world.

  18. To the person that commented on the signs being outdated, I think it would be great to have redone with the new Salisbury Branding.
    (I mean that)

  19. 1015: The city has in fact already allotted $160,000 for the design and construction of 4 new signs to replace the old ones.

  20. And of course. Giovanni Jones adding his worthless opinion! Your right Giovanni! No on wants to be pulled over for something that every one of you cops do 24/7! On or off duty! Love seeing you pigs speed with your family in tow! A a cop , you'd think you'd know what happened! But as usual. Your ignorance shows! That big badge of yours has swelled your head a bit. bet it makes your.... feet ..... look even smaller !

  21. 40 k a piece for those signs? Shoot! Ill do the signs twice as big and with bells and whistles for 10k! Where did they get that bid? Somebody is padding their buddies pockets!

  22. Lmao. Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden gotten chest pains? Yes I have! Pulled over and called 911!
    On a related note! Jus saw a TV commercial for this very subject! It says , and is common sense, pull over and call 911! Dont put other lives at risk!
    The need for self survival is strong. However if I lived an yet killed a family doing so ,I wouldn't be able to live with myself. 3:10.... I understand your upset! But your personal feelings don't trump the safety of others! I'm not the person who commented to bring your comment. But I can not only comment for myself but everyone else when I say what I've said. And this comment most certainly is going to win!

  23. I am LMAO at the SAURY sign! To funny - as the SAURY caption says a thousand words. Maybe that damaged sign - SAURY - should be used for trying to restore old Salisbury to her former glory - instead of THE BURY - concept.

    Anyway - today's article is very entertaining.

  24. 5:18, I'm glad that you were able to pull over and dial 911 in the event of your emergency; however, not everyone has that capability during a medical emergency. How many people have been found dead from medical emergencies? Many. The fact that you think that you can judge THIS situation is not received by me or many. If you haven't figured it out yet, the only person who can judge me or my family is GOD and you certainly don't meet that qualification. So again, you don't and won't win here. Anyway, stay blessed and I hope that you continue to have the ability to dial 911 in the event of an emergency, if not, I won't be LMAO like you, but praying for your karma instead.

  25. At 5:18, you're an idiot. You need to have some respect for yourself and others.

  26. This will be the final comment made by the family. To all of you who have made jokes and/or commented on this serious situation in a negative manner, may you never have to experience what we have. And if and when you do experience it, I hope and pray that you have memories of how insensitive and immature you were in your prior posts and opinions of other people's loved ones. Only then will you feel the hurt and pain that we feel for our loved one. At this point, your opinions no longer matter to us. We are blessed and will continue to be blessed and take care of our loved one, as you should do the same for yours instead of worrying about ours. For those of you who showed concern and support on our behalf, we thank you and will continue to keep you and your families in our prayers. Many blessings to all!

  27. My dad's a cop...... so? What you feel as entitled as him? I feel sorry for you!

  28. Who felt entitled? Please do clarify

  29. 5:18pm- Not all medical emergencies are preceded by chest pains or have warning signs and can hit anyone of any age. You have no right to judge a situation you know nothing about. Once it came to light that this was a medical emergency the comments from people like you were in extremely poor taste. Good luck and prayers to the family. And I agree. Using "LMAO" in a situation relating to someone's health was really tacky and disgusting.

  30. 5:18-- Pure ignorance


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