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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Baby Suffers Second-Degree Burns After Being Hit by Scalding Water From Garden Hose

A 9-month-old boy in Phoenix received second-degree burns over 30 percent of his body on Tuesday after being hit by extremely hot spray from a garden hose as his mother tried to fill up a small wading pool.

Dominique Woodger told Phoenix TV station KNXV that she didn’t realize when she turned on the faucet that the water was so hot.

Her son, who was sitting nearby, was hit by the scalding spray, she said.

“I thought he was crying because he was mad … he hates when he gets sprayed in the face,” Woodger said. “I didn’t think that it was burning him.”



  1. It's been an average of 110 degrees for the past week in Phoenix....of COURSE the water is going to be hot! Idiots!

  2. Jesus! What child bearing age person hasnt figured that out yet?

  3. There is lots of danger people are not always aware of. There is always somebody new being born and always somebody new becoming an adult.

    I remember the woman who years ago lost her head to a turning log truck when the over hanging log swung around and smashed it off as she tried to pass by on rt 113. It has always been a great help to me to think of that and use caution passing turning logs trucks.

    This mother no doubt will help keep some babies from being burned.

    There are some things all of us have yet to figure out.

    Other examples include the soldiers who recently died in the Fort Hood flood waters and the soldiers who were rescued off the mountain at about the same time. We better believe there were some lessons learned in both of those cases by the living that some of them had not considered before.

  4. Basic common sense says that the water in the hose that's been in the sun is going to be at least as hot as the ambient temperature, if not greater.


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