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Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Tall Grass

Business Rt. 13 near Walmart. How high does the grass have to get before it gets cut.


  1. SHA has made excuses for this for years. The truth is.. it will probably be cut only once or twice a year.
    Because they don't have to, and nobody will make them do it.

  2. Maybe it's wheat and you mistook it for tall grass?

  3. its not high enough until it tickles one's armpit! Then maybe it's time to cut. Only maybe.

  4. ...or perhaps the crews have a backlog of grass to cut due to a boat load of rain this month.

    1. Yea lets go with that!!! Must be tough sitting in a 60,000 dollar truck 4 sitting in AC while 1 outside working seen it too many times

  5. Think of the money they are saving by not cutting it each week! I can live with tall grass on the roadsides as long as it is not a visibility problem.

    The bigger problem is the idiots that design shopping centers or stip malls. They always want to put some type of tree or shrub along the road. It blocks your view when you are trying to turn. THOSE are the ones that should be cut. Not tall grass on the roadway.

  6. If this were a home or rental property you would be getting a fine. I noticed it has grown quite tall and makes Salisbury look bad with high weeds and grass. I wonder what the excuse is this year?? Hmm!!

    1. Are you serious?? The grass is what's making salisbury look bad?

  7. Every year it gets worse and worse. Homeowners can't do this and have restrictions anything over 8" is a violation and a fine. Slum lord Rental properties and businesses can get away with it.

  8. Route 13 is a state road. Can the City of Salisbury fine the state for having tall grass and weeds?

  9. I'm sure everyone is behind mowing... More rain than sun this spring. People love to b!tch.... Get a life and stop worrying over stuff.

  10. The lot behind Fratelli's on Johnson Road is the same way. when it rains yu cannot walk on the sidewalk because the heavy grass covers it.

  11. Hilarious... These areas are cut on a contract by a private sector company. Bet it isn't that important now that you aren't able to bash a government employee.

  12. The weeds grow 2 feet on the concrete divider between Chilis and Wawwa before anything gets done. A real eye sore. No pride in their work?

  13. Wow everything going in this crazy world, you find this to complain about!! Geese get a job or hobbies.

  14. any next workers at Naylor mill road, looking for service work ????? are lock up workers need something to do instead of sitting ???? young gangsters can cut grass and pull weeds !!!!!

  15. If SHA workers are not cutting grass what are they doing sitting around with nothing to do and getting paid?

  16. They're too busy bitching about free college and cutting benefits to be worried about cutting grass. Who cares if Salisbury/Wicomico county looks like a cesspool of waste and despair. It's all about the money.

  17. States are going broke. More cost effective to mow the grass less often. I've seen the same thing in Pa and MI. Less revenue, less services.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow everything going in this crazy world, you find this to complain about!! Geese get a job or hobbies.

    June 4, 2016 at 7:49 PM

    welcome to the shore. and don't let anyone follow you, you might be on their DASH CAM! lol. private eyes, they watching your every move

  19. I really don't care, if it keeps my taxes down. With all the rain, keeping our yard cut has been a task this year.


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