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Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Parking at Walmart

Parked on the sidewalk at Walmart North playing on his cell phone.


  1. When it is raining out you will also see SPD parked there too!

  2. This post just shows how bad some of you need to get a life

  3. 4:08, This coming from someone who is up at 4:08 in the morning commenting on a Blog.

  4. Fruitland bike cop was writing fire lane tickets yesterday, loved it. I will say that this person was kind enough to not park right in front of the door.

    1. Fruitland cops do their jobs and cite people for parking in the fire lane unlike the lazy Salisbury cops.

    2. To busy making thugs pizzaaaaa

  5. Well, I guess Fire Lane isn't painted on the sidewalk as it is on the road, so this person figured they were safe enough there to not get a ticket. I don't know, just sitting here making stuff up, but I have seen this too, and it is aggravating that they cannot park in a provided space and wait for their person to come out of the store.

  6. JoeAlbero said...
    4:08, This coming from someone who is up at 4:08 in the morning commenting on a Blog.

    June 1, 2016 at 5:09 AM

    Good Job Joe!

  7. Anonymous said...
    This post just shows how bad some of you need to get a life

    June 1, 2016 at 4:08 AM

    This must be from a lazy tool who violates parking laws all the time.

  8. Anonymous said...
    When it is raining out you will also see SPD parked there too!

    May 31, 2016 at 11:02 PM

    Just because SPD parks there doesn't make it Ok for you lazy bums to park there. Get a life! This should be an automatic tow.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Well, I guess Fire Lane isn't painted on the sidewalk as it is on the road, so this person figured they were safe enough there to not get a ticket. I don't know, just sitting here making stuff up, but I have seen this too, and it is aggravating that they cannot park in a provided space and wait for their person to come out of the store.

    June 1, 2016 at 6:24 AM

    I don't find that amusing. Law abiding citizens have to walk in the road to get around this turd and putting their lives at risk.

  10. Nothing like running exhaust fumes in the building because a family member or the driver is to lazy to walk.

  11. This drives me insane. Just proof how lazy society is.

  12. Salisbury Police need to do something about the Giant parking lot. They park and run into the liquor store or they think if they make their own parking spot by double parking everything will be ok. If you have one at the curb and another double parked it's hell trying to get through there. This has been going on for weeks. Not to mention the fool that parks in front of the bank when you are trying to turn into the parking lot. Come on Salisbury Police!

    1. Weeks???!! It has been going on for YEARS!! Honestly if a cop does start ticketing outside the liquor store they may get a few busts for other things in that Area

  13. No 7:07 am this has been happening for years at the Giant parking lot. That's right years and it happens all over Salisbury because the SPD is lazy.

  14. You can name any store you want in Salisbury and it happens there. Giant, Food Lion, Walmart, Wawa and the list goes on and on. Lazy cops say they are to busy to write tickets. To busy doing what?

    1. Too busy doing what ? Ummmm lets see
      1. Dealing with the murders happening in the Bury
      2. Administering Nar-can to all the heroin addicts to save their worthless lives
      3. Dealing with all the drug dealers pimps and town trash.
      But sure lets post them in these parking lots to write fire lane tickets so you can all bitch that they are too busy writing tickets when there's so much more that they could be doing. They just can't win

    2. Spd dont do that they are not allowed to they are too busy making pizza for the thugs as per Chief Duncan.

    3. Welfare crowd has to much welfare groceries so its closerto the car so leave us obama ,clinton lovers alone and stop being jealous.yoo

  15. Speaking of lazy get those lazy firemen to issue fire lane citations since they don't do much any way.

  16. Maybe the SPD or sheriffs office could get some volunteers in this group to write tickets for bad parking. Swear them in for a week at a time and maybe we could break this problem while letting actual staff members to do more dangerous things.

  17. Fruitland police do nothing but try to catch people exceeding the 25 MPH zone which is the whole city.

    1. It's their job 9:59 am. It's the law and they are paid to enforce it. You would be the first one to complain if a family member of yours got run over by someone exceeding the 25 mph zones. Loser

  18. 9:02 Good Job!! That's what I was thinking! Crowd complaining that they are not writing money making tickets instead of dealing with other issues.
    I heard a recent call where the cops had to show up because some chick and her boyfriend were fighting and he took her phone.
    So the cops had to show up for that garbage.

    If people only knew the garbage the cops had to deal with. It is unbelievable.

    1. 10:19 am it is the law and it is their job to enforce it. What would you do if your next door neighbor had a party and told his guests to just park in your front yard. I bet you would wish the cops would show up then. Morons

  19. Seriously, this is an issue? Get a life people. The last time I checked your area has many more problems to worry about, like murders. Look at all the traffic issues this person is causing....it is more likely the person who took the photo held up more traffic than the person parked on a rainy day. What a bunch of complainers.

  20. One can see that behavior at WalMart anytime. Try looking at the ones that do it and you can quickly develop a stereotype of the people doing it. Observe and make up your own stereotype. I might sound racist or sexist if I do it for you.

  21. How about Walmart management/security coming out and making the driver move along? It is their building and parking lot. And they should be able to control what happens in it.

    1. 6:01 it is not the WalMarts job to do the job of the SPD. Idiot!!

  22. Management at Walmart manage the store to make a profit. Security catches theives like you. SPD enforces all parking violations in the City and no one else does.

  23. 3:14 it's revenue and revenue only 25 mph isn't safer it's all about taking money from the tax payer basically a tax and the people targeted have jobs and can pay the fines. It beats protecting the citizens I guess.

  24. Food Lion off of rt50 and Tilghman Rd that whole plaza is the worst

  25. Roads around Fruitland too tore up to do over 25mph.

  26. If life weren't so much in peril these days, it would suit him good if someone - perhaps an officer -- went up and rapped on his window, demanding for him to move. I love the ones that even though they're not handicapped, they think they can sit in handicap spaces while doing this same thing, denying a handicapped person a place to park where they are sanctioned.

    Inconsiderate. Disrespectful. Ticket-worthy!

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If life weren't so much in peril these days, it would suit him good if someone - perhaps an officer -- went up and rapped on his window, demanding for him to move. I love the ones that even though they're not handicapped, they think they can sit in handicap spaces while doing this same thing, denying a handicapped person a place to park where they are sanctioned.

    Inconsiderate. Disrespectful. Ticket-worthy!

    June 5, 2016 at 10:34 AM

    Exactly and I hate to say race place a part in it, but that is what we have here.

  28. Typical entitled Homeboy. Texting on his free Obama phone.


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