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Friday, June 17, 2016

3 More Prominent Republicans Say They Cannot Endorse Donald Trump

As the general election shifts into high gear, a pair of Republican governors and a 15-term representative this week voiced their frustrations with the party's presumptive presidential nominee and have decided they cannot get onboard the Trump train.

Fred Upton, R-Mich., joins Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and also Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who ran for president against Donald Trump.

This pushback comes as the presumptive Republican nominee marks the one-year anniversary of the start of his remarkable and unconventional candidacy, and as the GOP is at yet another crossroads as to how to maintain party unity with him at the top of the ticket. Meanwhile, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is launching an eight-figure, multi-battleground state campaign ad blitz.

On Thursday The Detroit News reported that Upton had said he was going to "stay in my lane," adding that neither Trump nor Clinton should expect his support.

" 'There's a lot of things that folks are not happy about with either of these two candidates,' he said. 'We're running our own race, and don't look for me to endorse anyone in this race probably the rest of the year.'

"Upton, who has served in Congress since 1987, joins other Michigan GOP U.S. Reps. Justin Amash of Cascade Falls, Bill Huizenga of Zeeland and John Moolenaar of Midland in not endorsing Trump."



  1. Some people are very limited and short sighted.They can be very good at what they do,but still short sighted.Making America great again will require a president who is light years beyond what we've been used to.Trump is that person.

  2. I think our governor has done many good things for maryland BUT. I am very disappointed with his decission not to support Donald Trump.
    Step down Larry and let a real conservative run our state.

  3. A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for Hi-lie-ry!

  4. The establishment will never listen to the American people!

  5. So, they'd rather have hillary? What a bunch of losers!

  6. Hogan, hope you enjoy your last few years as Governor of Maryland.

  7. If Hillary wins, it's not because of Hogan. It's because of Trump.

  8. If crooked Hillary wins, it's because some people are too dumb to see the terrible mess this country is in. And she can't change it with the same tired worn out policies.

  9. 1 little 2 little 3 little RINOS


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