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Sunday, May 01, 2016

You Decide If What Happened At Salisbury University Is A Hate Crime In Maryland

Click Read More Below to see entire brochure from State Of Maryland Commision on Civil Rights


  1. of course it's a hate crime. the 2 black boys did this because they hate whites and wanted to blame whites for this incident. YES, it's blacks hating whites. BTW, I DON'T believe in 'hate crimes'. I believe in CRIMES period. Nothing more and nothing less.

  2. Seems to me that it fits, Matt needs to read this, he is a fool!

  3. its not a hate crime because there is no such thing as a hate crime. Stop legitimizing the Orwellian idea that a person's "intent" or "feelings" have anything to do whatsoever with a crime. If I assault you, that is a crime. If you happen to be a minority, that's a shame but it is still a crime of assault just the same. While I agree that these two kids ought to be expelled, I dont see what the crime is, other than being self-important a**es who wanted to stir up some racial crap.

  4. Hello SU police chief what's your excuse ???

  5. I want SU President Dr Eshbach head on a plate what will her BOSS SAY ?.


  6. YES, hate crime...suspend the Kiddies

  7. I would consider it a hate crime

  8. All you have to do is have a white person do it and or a Mexican do the same exact thing and see what happens... Then you have your answer...

  9. I agree: it was engineered to represent a hate crime. Had the people responsible been white,Hispanic, Asian, any other group they would have been expelled. The fact that it was a black on black item is no reason to totally disregard and not deal out any punishment.

  10. It's time for whites to demonstrate at SU. Let's get organized, white people have had enough. GO TRUMP

  11. This has been taken out of context. These aspiring artists were simply working on the design for the cover of their new book/song/rap/poem etc.

  12. Since law enforcement knows within two people who did it, why can't they both be charged with obstruction of justice. Whoever didn't do it is not helping law enforcement carry out justice. And whoever did do it is lying. Seems like they both are obstructing justice.

    1. See Amedment V to the U.S. constitution.

  13. Boys will be boys,,,,

  14. I'm calling the Hate Crime Hotline to report the incident.

  15. Of coarse it is......EXCEPT now it was discovered that a person of "color" did the drawing.....so just forget it, their past history of mistreatment excuses them.....

  16. It's definitely a hate crime and by not arresting the thugs they promote more yellow racism.

  17. No, not a hate crime. Obviously you people don't understand, the person or persons doing the drawing were Black. All the excuse needed.

  18. It doesn't matter now. States attorney made an A$$ of himself and SU too!!! National TV we showed the nation what misfits we are!!! BRILLIANT! !-

  19. First, I'm more right wing than anyone else in this state. Secondly, this act is not a crime no matter who did it. There is no statute or Common Law that deals with these facts. Thirdly, there are so many defenses associated with these types of political communications, that even if a prosecutor could articulate a criminal act (incitement to violence), it's going to be defensible (First Amendment). I wish these students could be prosecuted it would send a message that this type of racial fraud won't be tolerated. You won't get any help out of the leftists that run SU.

    1. We won't be happy until
      1 SU president is fired.
      2 SU police chief is fired.

      because in head next week the Daily Mail is picking up this story.

  20. Never could relate to why folks call the students kids. But you have the right to call them whatever, because we have military men and women younger than some student giving you that right.Thank god for those adults serving our country.

  21. 7:34 I respectfully respond to your comment with this comment.If these two individuals were White the whole story here would have taken on a different face, The End

  22. Well according to the pamphlet, ethic representations were made -a drawn lynching, black people perceived it as hate crime before knowing the suspects were black, and hate symbols were drawn in "white power".

    Utltimatly, this is all crap stired up by the salisbury university black students to create a non existant racial problem. But, no one is protesting, no one gets charged, etc because it's not politically correct.

    We elected a hack politician as our states attorney and we have hack liberals in charge of our children at SU filling their heads with more liberal crap. They swept this entire thing under the rug. If these criminals were white there would have protests, riots, they would have been expelled and charged criminally.

    It's disgusting how our politicians act just to get reelected and not get on the news.

  23. It's a hate crime. SU needs to prosecute. At the very LEAST, publicize the names.

    Justice will follow.

  24. Hate is hate. It knows no color.

  25. I can't wait until Trump is elected President!!! No matter what color skin they have they should be prosecuted. The ONLY reason these poor little girls are not being expelled & prosecuted is currently sitting in the "White" House.

  26. Well since there were two of them and SU doesn't know which one perpetrated the crime they should both be charged with conspiracy to commit a "hate crime." Problem solved. They charge that way with drug crimes all the time and it is really hard to get out of a conspiracy charge. If you were there and the crime occurred and you didn't report it then you were part of the "conspiracy."

    But I do agree with the rest of the people. If this had been done by two white students the outcome would have surely been much different.

  27. It's only a hate crime if whites do it .

  28. Just a few points to add from my initial post at 7:34:
    1. I've read all the comments. What is the name of the crime? To be "conspiracy to commit a hate crime" there still has to be a named hate crime.I do not see one unless the Police had facts to base incitement of some type of violence. I doubt it could be proved.
    2. The Wic. States Atty. could not just file charges ethically. He is undoubtedly aware of the 2006 Duke Lacrosse Team Rape case where the North Carolina District Atty. was disbarred after pursuing charges against several white players based on flagrantly false facts. These types of cases are based on emotion not provable facts. Yes these 2 students can be charged under the SU Student Disciplinary Code and potentially expelled of suspended, but I would not look for too much to happen. Eshbach is a flagrant liberal like the rest of the men/women that she has surrounded herself.
    3. The names of these students should be released. I can imagine that these administrators just blindly rely on the Buckley Amendment to state that "educational records" are private and can't be disclosed (Family Eductional Rights of Privacy Act 20 USC 1232g). The regulations to that Federal law appear in 34 CFR 99. In this case Eshbach could disclose the police report and the names of the suspects as one of the recognized exceptions---"Law Enforcement Unit Records". What do you think the odds are?

  29. One more time, SU President needs to be fired like yesterday, Lashley needs to follow right behind her, and the two grown students who did this need to be expelled, permanently. How is racism ever going to end if they keep letting things like this go. Hate crime - absolutely.

  30. The crime would be slander against an entire race...Maybe we need a new law for the growing epidemic. Or maybe trying to incite a riot.

  31. If it's not a crime why was it investigated???

  32. According to Salisbury University pamphlet a hate crime is "an act that appears to be completely or partly motivated by race, color, religion, etc.... Check. The act is not required to be a "crime under any federal, state, or local laws." Check. Hate group symbols are displayed. Noose. Check. The motive of the crime is to harm, injure or intimidate a particular group. (The motive was to promote racial division, therefore, harm. Check. The victims perceive it to be a hate crime. Well they surely did when they thought a white kid did it. Check. Seems to be it meets all the standards to be charged as "conspiracy to commit a hate crime" since there were two of them and they don't for sure which one did it. Works for drug cases, works for murder cases, why not hate crimes?

  33. What happened at SU was definitely a hate crime. People are so silly here.


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