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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Woman Sees Shocking Sign in Target Bathroom Warning her About Men Using the Facilities

The whole Target transgender bathroom policy issue continues to be the talk of the town.

This time, a woman entered a restroom in Keizer, Oregon over the weekend and found a sign hung inside that left her “very shocked.”

Check this out.



  1. The left is not looking out for you, the criminal, the illegal, the pervert are their concern.

  2. They got cameras in pens, buttons, rings, watches, even little tiny fake insects.

  3. Check, please... I'm outta here.
    The world has gone completely freakin' insane.

  4. Be cautious? So you admit it's stupid, and reckless?

  5. Why don't they use their "good judgement" and put a stop to this nonsense?

  6. Target has lost their mind. So all womens safety is less important than the feelings of a few transgenders. Thats fine. I will never shop there again.

  7. Sign the petion!!they need to be shutdown!!. Its time to fight back!!seroiusly it will send big message to other libtarded corporations. 3% of our nation will not dictate their twisted ideals on america. SHUTDOWN TARGET

  8. Target has lost all of my families business and we won't be back.

  9. It's even wrong to post the sign inside after you have already entered a danger zone. Yes, they are admitting it's a danger zone.

  10. Go to the bathroom before you leave home and you shouldn't have to worry about using a public bathroom anywhere.

  11. 9:48 AM, that may be true for adults, but for children it's a different story - they always have to go to the bathroom, in every store you go in.

  12. 9:48 Don't make excuses for immoral behavior. I'm 75 and have a bladder issue that requires me to go quite frequently with short notice. We all may not be as controlled as you. I wish I were.

  13. That's fine.....I won't be shopping there anymore.

  14. The left want's as much chaos as possible.

  15. As a RSO, this lets me go in the ladies room and get excited. This is a big win for us.

  16. Apparently, some disagreeing employees are posting signs to warn customers. This and other businesses allowing this perverted action should be boycotted.

  17. I would photograph a man entering the bathroom and post it online for all to see. As long as I am filming in a non sensitive area like the sinks there is nothing he or anyone else can do about it.


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