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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Who Did You Vote For?

I voted for a new wall.


  1. Trump all the way, the only way!

  2. Back in my day you could not ask who you voted for. map

  3. I voted for the new wall also.

  4. I voted for make America Great Again, plus the wall

  5. Build the wall! I voted!

  6. A winner, Donald Trump.

  7. I did not vote fo Cruz or Kaisch. I voted for the other guy.

  8. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!! Start building that wall!

  9. Trump! Andy Harris, and anyone with Trump next to their name.

  10. 8:12 and I are the same. Wherever Trump had his name I voted.

  11. 808PM. I just can't understand why you want a liar and crook for our next President! I voted for Trump and anyone with Trump after their name also 812PM.

  12. LOL 8:39-Do you mean "I didn't have my own server." Then when it was proven it did have it's own server, it became "I didn't send or receive any classified info on my private server." Then when it was revealed classified info was sent and received it then claimed "at the time I didn't know it was classified."

    Is that who you mean?

  13. TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Trump has Hillary labeled well! Crooked Hillary!!!! With Trumps Clean Sweep tonight, the liberals/democrats are still delusional! Trump 2016!!

  15. I voted for Trump, Kathy Slega(sp) and Jim Ireton.! NOT!! I voted for Andy Harris.

    Even that fat mouthy Michael Smigel got spanked for lying about Andy Harris. We didn't want him serving in the Maryland House and we don't want him Representing us in Congress!! Michael Smegel is a loser

  16. I voted for Trump, Kathy Slega and Andy Harris. I only voted for 3 who had Trump next to their name!

  17. Trump If I know your name where you live birthday I can vote for you. We need voter ID.

  18. Trump all the way and anyone who had Trump beside their name.

  19. While not my first choice, I voted for Trump because I am mad as he** and feel Trump has the momentum and traction to unseat the liberal madness in D.C. I listened to Hillary's victory speech last night and am so tired of the same old tired rhetoric; the only difference from 2008 and 2012 is the ethnicity.


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