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Friday, May 13, 2016

Wall Street Whistleblower Says Money Missing from the Clinton Foundation

Fox News speaks with Stuart Varney, who reports that there are “major discrepancies” between what donors reported they gave to the Clinton Foundation and what the Clinton Foundation reported they received.


  1. Does not surprise me in the least - when are people going to get it - the Clinton's are nothing but liars, plain and simple. They lie and sometimes I really believe that they believe what they are lying about. Pitiful.

  2. Oh, surprise us for once.

  3. And how much of it is resting in offshore accounts?
    Wonderful leadership qualities here. Not.

  4. 4:59 AM - it's what sociopaths, pathological liars, and narcissists do.

  5. I don't believe it, the Clintons were born poor black slaves and worked their way out of poverty

  6. Chelsea Clinton is in charge of the Foundation at a annual salary of $2.8 million dollars. No conflict of interest here......

  7. All of the money in the Clinton Foundation is missing from somewhere.


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