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Thursday, May 05, 2016

US Government: North Carolina LGBT Law Violates Civil Rights

RALEIGH, N.C. – A North Carolina law limiting protections to LGBT people violates federal civil rights protections and can't be enforced, The U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday.

The Justice Department's intervention puts the state in danger of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in federal school funding.

In a letter to Gov. Pat McCrory, the Justice Department put the state on notice that federal officials view the state law as violating federal Civil Rights Act protections barring workplace discrimination based on sex. Provisions of the state law directed at transgender state employees violate their anti-discrimination protections, the letter said.

McCrory has defended the state law, which limits legal protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. It also requires transgender people to use public bathrooms that conform to the sex on their birth certificate.

"The State is engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination against transgender state employees and both you, in your official capacity, and the state are engaging in a pattern or practice of resistance" of their rights, the letter said.

More here


  1. Is this all they have to do,extort their agenda thru holding/stopping money's. This administration has no morals or scruples.

  2. If they want their own bathroom I would bring in port-a-potties

  3. Transgender is a choice, not a biological fact. Laws must be based on fact.

  4. Its truly sickening how the federal government continues blackmailing state funding to those who do not comply with illegal federal laws.

  5. More states need to stand up to the Tyranny of big government.

  6. With all of the other criminal activities that the DOJ should be dealing with, why this?

  7. Strong states don't need the feds

  8. Steve Horner said...
    Is this all they have to do,extort their agenda thru holding/stopping money's. This administration has no morals or scruples.

    May 5, 2016 at 4:27 PM

    They have been doing it for years. I remember when the Feds extorted states into making it a National Holiday by withholding their Federal Highway User Funds from gas taxes. Now everything is Title I money for schools.

  9. Anonymous said...
    More states need to stand up to the Tyranny of big government.

    May 5, 2016 at 6:24 PM

    Those Federal funds they are withholding from states come from us, the tax payers. We need another REAL Tea Party movement.


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