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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Update From Teen Injured At Stephen Decatur

Well, as of today my boyfriend was discharged. I got to see him for a few minutes before he left and just that little moment of time meant everything. I'm so blessed, all of this love and support from people I know, and have never even met. I have troubles getting around to all the messages and posts about me, my dad's was shared over 1,000 times. I wish I could personally say thank you to each and everyone of those individuals. However, my sleep schedule may not allow that. The prayers are being answered by the minute, I could have not survived this accident, I could have needed surgery. But through Him, I can do anything. Through Him I will be better than ever. I am able to eat food with out getting sick, I am able to move my legs with more ease, and tomorrow I may even be able to walk. Thank you all for your prayers, God is good.


  1. Publish the name of the driver that did this, so as parents we can keep our kids away from him.

    1. Really ?? Kinda ignorant don't you think how do you think he feels

    2. This is extremely ignorant. These things happen. You really think that he hit them intentionally?? Accidents happen, thank god that they're okay. The driver of that vehicle is probably beating himself up about this enough without people like you making it worse. Wow.

    3. What a terrible thing to say. It was an accident. How would you like others to speak about your child/children in this way "Concerned Parent"?!?

    4. This was an accident, as a parent of one of the kids hurt , I know how terrible the driver feels. He is a great guy, I know him well and pray he can forgive himself!

    5. I guess it is a knee jerk reaction to want to blame someone. As a mother of one of the kids injured I am praying for the driver as well. Our kids have no hard feelings against this person . We can learn from this! God is good!

  2. Yes. Thank you Jesus.

  3. 9:55, it was an accident. Don't punish the driver any more.

  4. Amen! Very well said. God has blessed us all.........

  5. I may be wrong but I don't believe the student that did this did it with intent. From what I understand this was a tragic and horrible accident. This could have easily been any of the inexperienced young drivers that fill a high school parking lot. Creating some sort of parental witch hunt will only lead to more tragic events. Imagine the guilt and trauma this young person is experiencing due to this. Meg and her family are kind and God fearing people, I am sure they do not wish this student any harm. Instead of being negative and causing this child to possibly not even want to return to school, why not think of ways to educate about safety or issues with the parking lot or responsibility? I'm sure, with a parent such as you, your children are a delight.

  6. 9:55 it was an accident. The victim's parents have acknowledged this. Leave the poor kid alone. I am sure he is punishing himself over this.

  7. Thank you for the update, praying for complete healing for all involved.

  8. Dear "Concerned Parent",
    If we were all as perfect as you, the world would be a better place. You are an example of a cyber bully saying cruel things while hiding behind your keyboard. This was a tragic accident, and we need to be praying for all involved.

  9. I am a friend of his, the driver, and he is strange on this, he was scared, but then laughed about it. Was more worried that his dad would kick his ass then about the kids he hit.

  10. 9:55 and 12:20 = same poster. You spewed your venom yesterday as well. Why have you got it in for this family so much. You ran your mouth about the father and his driving record yesterday so now you are cracking the kid. I am sure you are a outstanding citizen in our communinity, full of virtue and civility, aren't you? Does us all a favor, go back to school and try again, you bum, because obviously you don't have a clue.

  11. 9:55. Something is very wrong with you.
    12:20 I seriously doubt you are his friend and made this comment up to make him look bad.

  12. We all have made mistakes. However, I have noticed over the years that parking lots seem to getting worse all the time. In my opinion if you drive a safe parking lot speed and pay attention we should limit these types of accidents. We should use this to remind everyone to drive safely. I will add that this goes both ways. People walking in a parking lot should be aware of surroundings. Not blaming anyone by the way.

  13. 6:38 you hit the nail on the head!

  14. God bless you young lady. You are an inspiration! God is good all the time!

  15. We know him. we pass him every day in school. He isn't scary, he is scared. Accidents happen. It's sad parents don't understand that but a teenager can forgive someone who backed over her. Shame on you

  16. For all those boo-hooing with their sad sympathetic hearts for the driver, get all the facts straight first. Do you know if there were drugs involved? If so, I don't think you'd be shedding tears for him.
    Also, those aware of the driver's mother are fully aware of how she gossips while belittling others in addition to their children. I betcha she'll be changing her ways after this.
    May she serve as a lesson to all reading who are also gossipers and put their High & Mighty selves on their pedestals above others as they accomplish absolutely nothing in their lives except negative crap that this world could do without.


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