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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Transgender Loving Obama Punishes American Business

Barack Obama's radical transgender push continues unabated. What now? He's suing an American business that decided to treat a man like a man:

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued a private business for sex discrimination and harassment after a male employee — who announced he was switching genders to become a woman — was barred from using the women’s restroom and was referred to with male pronouns by his coworkers.

Deluxe Financial Services, a Minnesota-based company that helps small businesses with marketing, denied that it violated any anti-discrimination laws but agreed to settle the case for $115,000 in order to avoid further costs of litigation, according to the settlement agreement.

The male employee, who now goes by the name Britney Austin, publicly presented himself as male when he was hired by Deluxe Financial but later opted to begin identifying as a woman.

This is nothing short of total lunacy. To be clear: the Obama Administration is prosecuting a business for refusing to indulge the sad delusions of a seriously mentally ill person. In the face of biological evidence that their employee is a man, they're being penalized for a failure to pretend otherwise. As National Review's David French notes, this latest PC quest could have disastrous consequences for the people it intends to help:

The evidence of transgender despair is overwhelming. A Swedish study found that trans people were 19 times more likely to die from suicide. An American study found that a horrifying 41 percent of transgender and “gender non-conforming” people had attempted suicide, compared with a national rate of 1.6 percent. In Canada, a study found that each year one in nine transgender people try to commit suicide, compared with the national rate of one out of 167.

Against this backdrop, the Left is remarkably callous. Large numbers of young people who experience gender dysphoria eventually desist. Yet social-justice warriors browbeat parents and mental-health professionals into believing that gender dysphoria is fixed and immutable; even though this creed often results in harmful medical treatments that can culminate in mutilating surgery. Is it any wonder that transgender men and women are often so wracked with anguish?

Make no mistake: the Obama Administration's radical war on biology, logic, and rationality isn't just bad for American business, it's bad for the very people it purports to help.

Source: AAN


  1. Does anyone know what he tells his daughters with some of these? He can't possibly blame things on Conservatives.

  2. Screw those POS and all the stupid democrats that go along with that BS VOTE TRUMP!!!

  3. Give it up people! give it up people! it's all for Satan! the Rainbow Warriors are everywhere! morals,values, honesty, Integrity, does not exist anymore! Its now lies deception, corruption, evil, greed, vile, demons,and perverts. Better start praying!


    OMG, no one has a brain...

  5. Let me explain, first, read the ten

    Then in order to make or challenge or change a law, a person or entity need to have "Standing", meaning they hare personally impacted by a ruling or law that they feel needs made or changed.

    For the first part, since there is absolutely nothing in the U.S. Constitution about sexual differences/ preferences/ imagined deviant behaviors, the Federal Government has no standing to make any decisions regarding this issue, as it is relegated to the States, or to the people.

    So, unless our Governors are forcing this issue, and I would hold them to the same State Constitutional law, the decision rests with us, the People.

    Do you get it now?

    Please copy and paste this to the 20 a day transgender
    posts we are pummeled with every day by .3 percent of our population as I have no time to do the same.

  6. This agenda goes much further than Barry and Michael in the WH.
    It is an international agenda and part of eugenics. Very dangerous people involved in this agenda.
    They intend to socially engineer (possibly genetically engineer?) the population into a slave state with far fewer mouths to feed. Vaccines and GMO crops are another part of eugenics.

  7. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  8. MEANWHILE, Ob' is quietly importing hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants and setting them up with govt $ largess so they can eventually take over the country. AND nobody even notices because Ob' is distracting our attention with this crap.


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