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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Today's Survey Question 5-23-16

What roads would you suggest Wicomico County Representatives travel to determine which roads need the most immediate repairs?


  1. Rt 13 from Rt 50 to Pepboys or would that be under city jurisdiction?

  2. Hickman lane turns to a dirt road and is a mess , it is a county road and in need of at least grading , gravel would help. Mr. Bradley from the county would grade it frequently , he is now retired , you can tell , out of sight , out of mind. Hickman lane at Nanticoke road rt 349.

  3. W. Cedar Lane in Fruitland is atrocious.

  4. The road between sams and car wash.

  5. Brown Street id Fruitland. It's an absolute disgrace.

  6. I would say Northwood dr but the part that needs new paving is city :( How about the road that runs alongside sams club.

  7. RT 13 over the bridge--it's really bad going north

  8. Tingle Rd Pittsville

  9. Norris Twilley the worst road in Wicomico

  10. 8:43 is correct. Northwood Dr and the Road Beside Sams Club.

  11. Hickory Mill Road!!!!

    1. Hickory Mill will be paved as soon as a drainage project is completed.... Easements are being obtained.

  12. i agree with 8:40 am... brown street, in fruitland.... this road is used a lot.. childrens athletic fields, beach bounders and crown is up around the bend.....

    1. I think they want that road in the condition it is in to make people slow down. If it was nice people would be flying through there!

  13. Great job, a lot of the roads mentioned here are either City or State roads.

  14. Old Railroad Rd just Porter Mill Rd going toward Rt 50 section is sinking they fixed that same area about two years ago

  15. Rt 13 is under the state, talk to Hogan about that

  16. Johnson Rd - between over pass and Airport Rd

    1. This road is on the paving schedule this year

  17. South Division Street on the way to Walmart (circle). There are pot holes that are HUGE! Not sure if that
    is county or state.

  18. The city needs to do something about Fitzwater Street. O, that's right - only black people live there.

  19. Firetower Road from Nanticoke to Quantico Creek. It is a teeth rattler.

  20. When you turn on Clyde Ave from Camden in Fruitland better have your seat belt fastened. Fruitland streets have been neglected for years.

  21. The road that runs in front of Brew River all the way to Pemberton....Its horrible!!

    1. BOB can you dig up the X mayors road and then drive away lol.

  22. I just fell into a huge pot-hole the size of a man-hole cover on Beaglin Park Drive (between Glen Avenue and North Park Drive).

  23. Wouldn't it be prudent to ask the school bus drivers in the county for their input? They ride the roads in a bus twice a day for 3/4 of the year in all weather conditions.

  24. I agree. All over Fruitland.

  25. Brown st in Fruitland...not sure if it's city or state. Needs repairs now! ...and don't tell us there are no funds!

  26. Brown St in Fruitland

  27. Morris Leonard SBY to Parsonsburg.

    1. Road is prepped and about to be paved

  28. northwood drive and all connecting roads...its been the pits for 25yrs

  29. Hickory Mill Road!!!!!!!

  30. The road known as "Patch on patch on top of patch.....or Hickory Mill Road as they identify it.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Rt 13 & 50 are state hwys

    May 23, 2016 at 9:46 AM

    actually they are US routes. as such the feds pay for part of the upkeep. where does that money go?

  32. you need 4 wheel drive to get down brown st in fruitland it is absolutely the worst

  33. Brown St was clearly not designed for the amount of traffic it gets. They could replace it and it still would be a mess. They would need to widen it before it would repaving

  34. South Division Street, route 13 south, Eastern Shore Drive and the Presidents Neighborhood streets. Also if parked cars could be eliminated from Vine Street, it is an emergency route and hard to travel especially when food give outs block traffic to and from area of Thirsty's and St Andrews Church corner of Jackson Street.

  35. anywhere they have done construction on one of their cherished schools

  36. dirt Catchpenny Road to river

  37. All roads in the Town of Fruitland,where does all the high taxes go?Big salaries?

  38. As a person who drives motorcycle on Nanticoke road all the time I can say that Nanticoke road is in pretty good shape. Its just sad that so many back roads in the area that offer scenic views are covered in gravel even though they have pavement.

    Its way to dangerous to drive those roads on a bike and the gravel chips away the paint on a car.

  39. We've heard this excuse about route 13 for years now!!!! Is it not a city/county road?? Does it nit eventually become the responsibility of the city /county government to do something about it ??? Culver your in Hogans' little circle of wanna b's can't you get something done??? Hey Day how about fixing the city's roads before spending millions on developing the nasty wicomico river waterfront with amphitheater

  40. Very few County Roads mentioned... A couple that were, Morris Leonard and Johnson are on the paving schedule this year.... Should be paved before July.

  41. New Hope road @ Green Lewis crater.

  42. County Roads reps travel the roads all the time so they already should know which roads need repair i would think.

  43. Morris Leonard Rd, Parsonsburg

  44. Big difference in knowing what roads need to be repaired and having the money to do it. There are roads listed on this post that are already scheduled to be paved this year. The County published a list almost a year ago with all the roads. Many people obviously do not know the difference in jursidictions..... County roads in general are in pretty good shape. There is a difference in a back road that is bumpy and a road that is falling apart due to other factors. I didn't hear a bunch of people years ago jumping up and down to fund roads when that department was slashed. Dropping the staff levels to lower than they were 20 years ago and the budget to half. Eliminating resurfacing altogether as well as other services. People don't remember this. Roads aren't important until they are falling apart. I would say that the County has managed to do a pretty good job holding things together despite the department being decimated. If you have a question about a road, rather than assume it is County, pick up the phone and call. Until a steady funding source can be identified, maintaining what we have will be hard enough. If people move to a tar and chip road, don't expect it to all of the sudden become blacktop just because you move there. The use of microsurface and slurry seal is going to be the norm. With 700 miles of roadway to maintain, with nearly half the staff and half the budget, there is only so much you can do. The county will have a tough time making up the 40 million dollars in HUR funding that O'Malley decided to steal from us.

  45. Morris Leonard rd and Johnson Road are on the list this year. Hickory Mill Road will be fixed once the drainage improvements can be made between Little Lane and Log Cabin road. The county is in the process of obtaining easements and finalizing the plans.

  46. It is not up to taxpayers to try and aknowledge the difference between what roads are on a city or county grid. What about those that pay both city and county taxes what's the excuse you offer for those people?? Why is it everyone in local government always tries to pass the blame and buck on Annapolis?? There have been plenty of budget decisions made here on a local level that have obviously taken precedent on road maintenance. If the roads in question come under some state guideline than instead of posing for ridiculous pictures to self promote status do your jobs and contact the necessary people to resolve the terrible road problem here in wicomico county, salisbury md period!!!!

  47. 8:20, It is not the job of a County employee to contact other jurisdictions to let them know that they have a road that is bumpy. I am sure that they would be aware of it. It would be important and an obligation of a County employee to relay information to them, a hazard for instance, that they may be unaware of. When a town becomes incorporated, they take the responsibility to maintain their streets. The majority of property tax money collected by the County funds education and public safety. A taxpayer in the county should not be expected to allow their taxes to pay for road repairs inside a town. That is why highway user revenue was so important... and yes, it is the fault of Annapolis. HUR funding was distributed to local governments based on the number of miles of roadway they have, and the number of registered vehicles. It was Annapolis that decided to cut that funding by 90 percent. If you want to call those facts passing the buck, than so be it. Perhaps you would be the first in line to ask for a tax increase to fund road maintenance.


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