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Thursday, May 05, 2016

This Network's Ratings Are Tanking

Fox News has been number one in the ratings for over a decade, at least. It was generally the only channel of choice for those on the center-right. The hard news coverage on the channel was also pretty good as well. 

But Fox News’s dominance is coming to an end it seems. CNN has now beaten Fox News on prime time in five out of the last eight months among the all important 25-54 age demographic. That demographic is preferred by advertisers because they tend to have the most disposable income. 

CNN also claimed victory on weekends. The network beat Fox News in the 25-54 demo, but again was beaten among overall viewers. It also won Acela Tuesday coverage, especially online. 

CNN continues to show impressive growth in its viewership. It has increased its viewership by triple digits. Meanwhile Fox News has largely stayed flat and MSNBC has also seen its viewership skyrocket. 

While CNN is now winning the 25-54 demographic, Fox News continues to win the ratings war with its overall audience. Much of this is because the Fox News viewership is older than other networks. Half of the Fox News audience is 68 or older. 

A possible reason for Fox’s stagnation is the network has become divisive among its conservative base. Cruz supporters have been attacking the network as of late. Before that, Donald Trump waged his own mini-war against Fox News. 

As the right is on the verge of a genuine split over the possible nomination of Donald Trump, it shouldn’t be a surprise that a channel associated with it would be feeling the pressure of it. But ratings ebb and flow so it’s entirely possible Fox could recover.

Source: AAN


  1. I don't watch any of them. Cancelled pay TV at the start of 2106 due to nothing but election crap on 24/7.

  2. I get my news here,infowars,and a few other sites.

  3. Fox needs to start more programs on weekends and less reruns!

  4. Fox will fall right in line with all the other networks,it won't bash the Hilda Beast or Trump it can't afford to. But the other networks will eventually get behind that lying crooked Clinton as we get closer to november.

  5. If Fox News would get rid of some people and keep the ones they shouldn't get rid of, their ratings might be better.

  6. If it wasn't for The Simpsons, Fox would be toast.

  7. Dump Megyn bring back Andrea.

  8. They constantly repeat as others but CNN has news from around the world that FOX might never air. You reap what you sow. They had a good thing going and blowed it.

  9. If they stopped Simpsons and Family Guy,I wouldn't watch.

  10. Zerohedge, Brietbart, Drudge, and SBYNews pretty much will give you reality by the hour any day, any time.

    If you need to look elsewhere, feel free, but stay away from the MSM. They lie to guide you toward an agenda that is not yours.


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