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Friday, May 13, 2016

Ted Cruz: The Media Stole The GOP Nomination


The possible revival of his 2016 presidential candidacy wasn’t the only thing Ted Cruz discussed during an interview with radio host Glenn Beck this week.

Cruz also blamed the failure of his candidacy on … the media.

Specifically, he assailed “a handful of network executives” whom he accused of “manipulating and trying to deceive the voters” – all in an effort to get presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump elected.

“This election will be studied for the role of the media, and in particular network executives, that they made in terms of promoting the candidate that they had chosen, they wanted to win,” Cruz said.

Hold up … what?

Cruz even whipped out some numbers in defense of his contention.



  1. Sore, sore loser is all he is.

  2. Ohhh and Obama didn't use the media

  3. Trump ran a smarter race. He was abrasive and got the media to want to follow him. He knew he'd give them a headline. Now he's finally starting to say things rather than just ramble on about walls. It was a smart, calculated move on his part. Not a Trump supporter but I give respect where it's due


  4. He is young enough to be raised in today's climate where everybody is a winner. There always have be winners and losers. Cruz you lose, go away or try another day. Just shut the heck up, loser.

  5. This guy has his head almost as far up his @$$ as Bernie or the HildaBeast!

    The voters spoke - keep listening - they'll speak some more in upcoming primaries!

  6. They still don't get it. We are in the economic crisis today because of politicians playing games and wasting tax dollars on useless & fraudulent programs while making their own lives and the lives of their friends luxuriously comfortable. Example, if Obamacare was good enough for taxpayers to participate in then it should have been good enough for senators and congressmen and their aides as well. Their arrogance is appalling and we the taxpayers are fed up with them. It's time for real change so we'll choose someone outside the system, even if it means voting for Trump.

  7. Today he has an editorial in the NYT, I am telling you folks he is trying to do an end run and steal this nomination.

  8. Nothing new here. Once again, Cruz with his inflated ego and narcissism can't embrace the face he lost due to his own behavior and past. He was never constitutionally able to run for president (Fox News even said this three years ago but conveniently forgot.) He sealed his records which after Obama has become a huge red flag, he lied about Rubio, Carson and Trump. He was busted for his unethical behavior with delegates and obvious dismissal of large voting bodies like New York, Colorado and Wyoming . He was all around the best example I've seen in a long time of what a horrible candidate looks like. He's fanatically religious to the level of being in a cult.

    Sour grapes just brushes the surface of everything wrong with Cruz. Problem is, he will never admit it either to himself or his disciples.


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