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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Subject: Target Silent as Mixed Bathroom Disaster Threatens Sales, Stocks

Target’s Twitter account hasn’t emitted even one tiny Tweet since April 19, when the company triggered a nationwide boycott against itself by demanding that all of its customers use mixed-sex bathrooms and changing rooms to ensure respect for a few transgender customers.

The two-week silence from the Twitter account is evidence that the company didn’t realize the risks of changing their bathroom policies, said Jim Hughes, a veteran branding expert based in San Diego, California. If the pro-transgender plan has been carefully planned, and if it was expected to bolster the company’s support among millennials, then the company’s P.R. team would be trumpeting the good news via numerous channels, including Twitter, he said.

The CEO “would be out talking it up if it were a strategic move,” he said.

But the company’s public affairs page is silent about the issue.



  1. GOOD keep up the boy girl transgender boycott.

  2. They are NOT silent. I have seen more commercials by Target in this last week than I could count. One totally in Spanish!!

  3. Hope it shuts them down. Liberal, rainbow, politically correct corporation!
    You can take your "inclusion" and shove it!!!!
    I plan to never step foot in their store again!

    1. I havent shopped there in years and dont plan too, I agree with you, to hell with political inclusion, bunch a warped minded idiots!

  4. Don't forget to thank democrats for this in November.

  5. I will be doing some major shopping there this weekend. I applaud them the for standing up to this solution looking for a problem.

    1. YOU are the problem, Freak.

  6. 7:51 you must be getting high in the target bathrooms huh

  7. 7:51 we don't care where you and your food stamps go. Libtard freak.

  8. Hey target I hope you enjoy the less than 00.1 % of the gay population in your store because straight people are DONE with you since you TARGET GAYS AND CRAZYS.

  9. 7:51 Whatever you are smoking, I want some.


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