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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Subject: Gen Election Latino Poll


  1. The vote will be attempted to be stolen electronically. Maryland, for one, has their precincts send their results to the State board of Elections electronically.

    It's okay with me, but there's no method in place to audit that count with the paper ballots on a random pick basis.

    THAT is NOT okay with me.

    Carl Anderton, what say you?

  2. I thought it was a big opportunity for scam when the paper ballot was inserted into the machine.
    How does a voter know that their vote was tallied correctly? Or even tallied at all if the choice on the ballot were the "wrong" choices?
    The "trust us" thing has already been shredded and burned.
    HAND COUNT the f'ing ballots in front of citizen witnesses! That's not too much to ask is it? And get rid of those "delegates". WTF is THAT? CITIZENS vote and then we need to send someone else to vote for us AGAIN? And they don't even have to vote for the guy they said they would! YOUR VOTE IS WORTHLESS. A "feel good" scheme to mollify the public and make us think we actually have a say with our "vote".
    That system is NOTHING but a scam on "we, the people". Designed by the wealthy and elite to make sure "we, the people" don't elect someone they can't control and manipulate.
    Trump is REALLY tearing that idea apart and it scares the hell out of them.
    You can cheer that.

  3. Latinos are now somehow able to complete their Citizenship passage "in order to vote against Trump".

    Really? I would hope that in the next 5 months, they will educate themselves, or Trump can educate them before the election.

    After all, an educated voter is the one we all want! After being well versed and passing a test on the Constitution, they will have to choose Trump.

    That's the beauty of our current immigration laws, and the reason we don't need "Reform".

    It worked for 230+ years... it will work for these folks!


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