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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Senate Race in Maryland Exposes Democratic Party’s Fissures

Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards lost a bitter fight for the state’s vacant Senate seat Tuesday night, forecasting expanding cracks in the Democratic party as the 2016 election remains unexpectedly competitive.

Edwards, a black single mom, fell to seven-term Rep. Chris Van Hollen despite record-high voter turnout among African Americans in the state. A victory would have positioned Edwards as the first black senator to represent Maryland in the chamber and the second black woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

In a polarizing concession speech, Edwards ripped on the left for failing to back a woman of color.

“To my Democratic Party, let me say today: Maryland is on the verge of having an all-male delegation in a so-called progressive state,” Edwards said. “When will the voices of people of color; when will the voices of women; when will the voice of labor; when will the voices of black women; when will our voices be effective, legitimate, equal leaders in a big-tent party?”

Van Hollen is expected to defeat his Republican challenger Kathy Szeliga in November as the two compete for Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s seat, who is retiring after 30 years in the chamber.

Lawmakers have criticized Edwards as a polarizing figure who is “difficult” to work with and “ineffective.” She hit back during a press call Friday, accusing her Democratic colleagues of sounding the racial “foghorn.”

“I thought the Republican Party was full of dog whistles but the Democratic Party has a foghorn,” she told reporters.



  1. Donna should have just said "What, using my race and woman card didn't work?"

  2. "Edwards said. “When will the voices of people of color; when will the voices of women; when will the voice of labor; when will the voices of black women; when will our voices be effective, legitimate, equal leaders in a big-tent party?”"

    To satisfy all of those questions, when those voices aren't those of clowns and posers.

  3. black single mom?, never heard of such a thing

  4. 7:31 AM - Exactly! Amen.

  5. Ms. Edwards blasts her party because she didn't win. Victim mentality. The left needs to get over that.

  6. Van Hollen is a good ole boy in the democrat party she should have known better.

  7. Now you know why she lost. The blacks have been given EVERYTHING. We all know it. She thought because of that fact she deserved to win. Then when she didn't the racist in her came out!!! Again! ! Blame everyone and everything except for yourself! !!!!

  8. Imagine a white male making the same comment...“When will the voices of white people; when will the voices of men; when will the voice of labor; when will the voices of white men; when will our voices be effective, legitimate, equal leaders in a big-tent party?”

    It only sounds racist if your white.

  9. She can try Trumps approach, "the system is rigged" or make it that Maryland Democrats hate black women

  10. This crap is really getting old and played out!!! Definitely a volcano about to spew!!

  11. What a loser. Funny thing blacks can get away using the race card, but let someone who's white and we're the racist...Unbelievable

  12. sh should run as an independent, yeah

  13. So I guess the other black folk didn't line up the way they were supposed to.
    Maybe they've begun to think for themselves.
    Good for them.
    Hopefully they will think even more about the general election and vote in a way that will actually help the black community instead of keeping them oppressed.

  14. With the large "African-American" turn out seems like the voting, responsible group is paying attention to MLK's dream of judging people "not by the color of their skin but by the strength of their character". Probably would have included their sex.

    Shame we've allowed decisions about people, as policy, to be made based on what folks were born with rather than what they've accomplished. Could it be this is changing, or is this" woman of color" just too far out there?

  15. But I'm a black woman, I'm entitled to this vacant position!!

  16. When one is accustomed to be given everything, it is natural to be disappointed when one learns they must actually work for a goal in life.

  17. The voices of women were heard almost 40 years ago, when Barbara Mikulski was first voted to Congress. The voices of women continued to be heard for the next 40 years, as Ms. Mikulski served in Congress and then the Senate. Ms. Edwards may play the "race card" if she so desires, but there is no justification for playing the "gender card".

  18. Pity Pity Pity, your 15 minutes are officially UP!

    Now go get a real job and contribute. Unlike overpaid politicians who do not..DO NOT work for their constituents!!!

  19. This statement alone shows why she wasn't elected by her own people. It's time that people run on their qualifications and not their color. it's time we all become Americans instead of black or white candidates.

  20. Maybe she's waking up to the fact that Democrats have held down Blacks for 500 years.


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