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Friday, May 13, 2016

Q&A With Assateague Coastkeeper Kathy Phillips, Large-Scale Poultry Operations ‘Raising A Lot Of Concerns’ On Shore

BERLIN — Kathy Phillips has been on the front lines of the ongoing debate between the region’s environmentalist and agriculture advocates for years as the Assateague Coastkeeper and as the head of the Assateague Coastal Trust.

Phillips says finding the balance between preserving and protecting the region’s natural resources and not over-regulating one of the shore’s biggest and longest standing industries is often frustrating and difficult. But in recent months, new voices speaking out against large-industrial scale farms popping up on the shore have joined the debate and she believes those voices could be a factor in making the type of strides and progress that environmentalists have been longing for.



  1. She is an environmental terrorist.

  2. another idiot overstating the obvious !

  3. she needs to go away

  4. The bay is being poisoned by Baltimore not chickens.

  5. Not true 10:42. You need to educate yourself. The first thing you morons do when you get cancer is trot your sorry butts up to Baltimore and institutions like U of MD Medical Center and Johns Hopkins. Then when you are told you have 6 weeks to live, you start crying, families crying, withering away to skin and bones, hair falls out all in an attempt to save yourself almost always to no avail.
    It makes no sense that you morons run to Baltimore when these same institutions have been telling people for years that industrial farming, all the manure it produces and the product itself is deadly.

  6. Within anything there comes a saturation point. DelMarVa's poultry industry is nearing theirs.., IMHO.
    What this group is chiming in for is beyond me though.

  7. Bob Aswell.... RealistMay 13, 2016 at 2:16 PM

    Send Kathy Phillips to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
    Bob Aswell

  8. Don't let these wackos go too far. If you give them an inch they WILL TAKE a MILE. Seriously, need to be watched very closely.


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