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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Police Seek Tweaks On Same-Day Repeat Offenders

OCEAN CITY — The Ocean City Police Commission is exploring potential ways to enhance penalties for those issued civil citations for various offenses but flaunt the law and continue the same illegal activity throughout the same day.

During last Monday’s Police Commission meeting, Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro informally brought up the subject of enhanced subsequent penalties for individuals who might receive a civil citation for a minor offense early in the day and continue the same illegal activity for the rest of the day. He used a possible example of a street performer on the Boardwalk issued a citation for not being in an approved space or outside the approved guidelines who returns a short time later and continues the activity.

Another example might be an individual cited for drinking on the beach or smoking outside the designated smoking areas. In most cases, civil citations are issued, but the offenders can simply go back to the same illegal activity a short time later without serious repercussions.



  1. Street performers? Smokers? Is that all the OCPD can focus on? Someone needs to focus on preventing fatalities.

    The upcoming influx of Visa workers know nothing off our traffic laws and that includes the biker riders. Instead of capturing a fine for somebody puffing illegally, how about enforcing the current laws and the jay walkers? Bikers are required to obey all signals (they don't). Pedestrians are required to adhere to crosswalks (they don't). Even the most obvious at Division St and Baltimore, there are 2 clearly marked crosswalks. Find the violators instead of picking on boardwalk performers and a few puffers.

    Oh yeah, stop running over pedestrians and running into buses who obey railroads crossing laws.

  2. It's not for cops to find ways to fine/make revenue! Enforce it is all! The have so much leeway they wanna do the jobs of our elected politicians! Here is an idea officers! Open your eyes and patrol more! Maybe you'll see the same kids violating and catch them in the act.

  3. Seems they only enforce the laws they can collect revenue. If the ordinary citizens were allowed to ticket offenders they see, OC would have a windfall. If we can see them, why can't OFFICERS? Selective enforcement maybe?


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