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Sunday, May 01, 2016


One has to wonder if it were white students, how much jail time would they have received. Implying "White Power" should have been enough to file charges.

The local NAACP has been challenging law enforcement in recent years and the States Attorneys Office for being to hard on blacks. 

What's your opinion and keep it clean or your comment will be rejected. 


UPDATE: I have spoken with States Attorney Maciarello and he makes an excellent point. Every manila envelope that crosses his desk has NO COLOR. 

In this case he stated that there were originally 6 students being questioned. It was eventually broken down to two. However, they do not, (at this time) have enough evidence to charge one of the two. Now, some of you might say, how convenient. Look, I know Matt well enough to know that the man doesn't play games. IF further evidence comes forward and a single individual can in fact be charged, they will do so. 

On another note, what exactly do you charge them with. I'd love to have a lawyer come forward and hear what their thoughts are on such charges. 


  1. contact Advancement Colored People SU Chapter Collegiate Activist Matt Jackson and see what he has to say now

    1. No contact the SU president
      Janet Dudley.

    2. She makes over $500,000 a year her name is Dr Janet dudley Eshbach.

    3. DR Eshbach got her doctorate at McDonald's.

  2. Continue with the blind eye, thats why AA's are the way they are, they are never held accountable, totally dispicable.

  3. total BS, way to go SU.

  4. at the very least they should be kicked out of school. Shame! those clowns.

  5. I can't wait to hear the support for these fine people.

  6. They should be charged!! Racism is Racism... Why is it when you are black , that makes you exempt!!

    The law is the law, who are we to interpret the law. The interpretation of this finding is for the JUDGE to rule on...Not the States Attorney nor the Officers.

    Follow the law!! Charge them!

  7. Hate crime correct?? If it were white kids we would have media coverage out the A••

  8. I agree 4:36pm! Who knows what RIOT this could of caused all instigated
    by their own!!


    Charge them Matt Macerillo!! Where are you? You are not the judge or jury! Follow the law!!!!!!!!!

  9. Kind of like yelling fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

    1. Remember that when a actual white kid does it ,fool.

    2. 5:14 the point obviously went waaayyyy over your head.

    3. Im a Fool you moron. White, black should not matter. Inciting riots, false alarms, invoking racism comments to incite hate. All should result in equal punishment regardless of race. In fact more punishment for a black person since the intent is more sinister. A white racist might just be ignorant rednecked moron but if a black did this he is a hateful ignorant moron with intent to incite.


  10. This is a HATE CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if they don't charge, then we should make a claim of REVERSE RACISM AND SPECIAL FAVORS TO OUR LOCAL STATE'S ATTORNEY OFFICE.

    1. Yeah where is the States attorney on this.

    2. you guys need to focus your anger on the SU president.

  11. If they weren't looking to file charges, then why bother spending time reviewing tapes to see who did it? Seems a waste of time to me.

    1. Exactly! If it wasn't worth following up on, then who cares who did it. They just wanted to see if they had "crucifiable targets" first...they didn't.

      Oh, just the darkies having a little racially uplifting fun, to bring the oppressive reality of "whiteness" into the open, to force non-people-of-color to admit their guilty white privilege.

      Or not.

      They deserve to be reviled publicly, but they'd doubtless be hailed by the NAACP and other racist groups as some kind of heroic "social justice warriors".

      Which they aren't. They're pure trash.

    2. Ditto totally factual 5:56. This is the result of a inept president supporting "community organizers" This is the new code word for the leftys new religion of christian hate, racist and LBGT activism in the name of diversity. Keep cheering. Don't think for a minute that the pompous High priests in the "SU" Ivory Tower will do anything to correct this abysmal dire situation their progressive policies and ideals have supported and encouraged.

  12. This act was done to incite violence and to foster racism at the expense of white people.

    This is a crime because if a white person had done it, it would be a crime. This is a example of Black privilege at its finest.


  13. it is still a hate crime!!!!!!!!! Even though a African American did this, who is to say they don't hate other AFrican Americans!!!!!!!

    That is for the JUDGE TO DECIDE!!!

  14. WOW that SU president must be real proud of sweeping this under the college RUG,
    what's SU PRESIDENTs name ...?

  15. There was no hate crime. Know what a crime is before you speak. This maybe tasteless but its no crime. This is a person's right to freedom of expression. Just as whites can say the "N " word without prosecution. Go screaming it and it's disorderly conduct. The fact is these black kids did no wrong. And if white kids did this very same stick figure then the outcome would be the same. Let it be known however that blacks are doing all they can do to get whites in trouble. False accusations to attempting to incite.

    1. I don't care! The word does not even mean "black person"! However, I disagree! If a white student did this, which is why they were investigating, it would have been condidered racist AND a hate crime AND THAT white person would have been charged!

    2. Let's remember this if a white person ever expresses their disgust with the attitude of mobs of noisy blacks.

      No crime, nothing to see here.

    3. At very least they should be named publicly and expelled.

      Which is far less than a white person would be subjected to.

    4. You got your head in the sand if you think a white kid would not get in trouble for this. They would be kicked out of school, charges filed, Justice Dept. would be involved, Jessie and AL would be calling for their head, protests and riots would be held...do I need to go on?

  16. Are we serious about this?? For once lets actually act on the idle threats and organize a protest!! State Attorney office is right on Main Street

  17. Ok people , like John Cameron Swazey used to say " you ask for it"!

  18. Dr Janet Dudley Wabash
    SU PRESIDENT and is a OVERPRICED president she makes $500,000 year nice to be a Obama liberal.

  19. NAACP= national association for the advancement of criminal people.
    Thank you Mary Ashanti !

  20. The University should exact some type of punishment for the students inappropriate actions or behavior.It's not a legal matter but a bad conduct matter. It is not in keeping with high standards of the school and there should be consequences for their bad actions.

    1. It's because she also has been involved on racial incidents on fb so she lets black people get away with it because they would bring that up ??

  21. Janet Dudley Eshbach, loser, and yes, if this had been white boys (or girls) whole different story here

  22. 4:35 haha. How exactly are AA's

  23. I tend to agree w 513. The ones who wrote it probably thought they were being funny...poor taste and stupidity aren't crimes. The ones who discovered it and hysterically posted all over social media, well, hopefully next time they think before trying to incite people via the web.

  24. Do the crime, do the time.

  25. "Every manila envelope" pleeeze....this is not the time for cute little attention distractors. Put a stop to this hands off nonsense


  26. 5:13

    All I can ask is where did you obtain such incorrect information?
    Perhaps a correspondence course, or a 45 minute seminar for auxiliary police, most likely none of these or you would be somewhat knowledgeable .
    Please take time to read the piece you posted and educate yourself from future embarrassment.
    Not surprised this is sweep under the rug.
    So very sad how mostly everything today is corrupt.

    1. I tell you what then officer. Charge the persons involved. You know the law better than I do. I've only been a cop 22 yrs. No crime was committed. Open your statutes and read. Then look at your bill of rights. Can't make law up as you go. Most cops try.

    2. How is vandalism not a cop mr. Veteran policeman ???

  27. I am offended. White lives matter

  28. Simple, charge the same charge as if someone white did it. Should be no different.

  29. Very good point 5;08pm !!! I totally agree!

  30. Joe
    This is the same SU president that was involved in a racial incident in the Caribbean with a AA ? correct ?

    1. YEP DR eshbach of SU made racial remarks on Facebook and that along with this recent racial incident once again is swept under the good ole boy rug.

    2. lol she will probably start having her students bombard this site with pro Dr Eshbach comments.

  31. I am obviously late to this party. So this was done by a black student?

    I believe I read about this on CNN and it was trending on FB. I do believe that the student(s) responsible should have to write and oped about what they did. Include their pictures too.


  32. If they were going to do nothing about it why did they waste the time and resources investigating it at the expense of the taxpayers.

    1. Because they fell for the hoax and assumed it was white people.

      Once they figured out iit was blacks, suddenly they dropped the subject.

  33. "On another note, what exactly do you charge them with."

    Um... If it was a white person doing it, it would be a hate crime. If the roles were flipped they would still call it a hate crime.

    How about trying to incite a riot or something.

  34. unreal, that college is a joke.

  35. Maybe people should sue them for scaring them and for the resources it took to investigate this. We always hear of people sueing the police because of emotional trauma. Why not for this?

  36. so if white kids do the same they get the same result as punishment?

  37. Maybe the media should not even publicize what these people have done. That means even this blog.

  38. Hell yes this is a hate crime!!! There was a local church not long ago that had some "letters" spray painted on it and it WAS investigated as a hate crime. If it were white kids Baltimore DC news would have this a national story!!! Rev Al wiuld come out of whatever rock he's hiding under ducking the IRS, old Jesse would get his two cents in an old Farrakhan would probably try to throw gas in the Fire!!!

    1. Definition of a crime is an act committed that causes harm to a person or persons. The church is different than a dry erase board. Idiot. Your all playing into the race baiting

    2. And how so?? Defacing church property with racial propaganda, defacing state owned property with racial propaganda to entice racial unrest please do explain how this is different

  39. 7:12, EBT Blogger, why, because you are always so far behind the 8-Ball on any important local stories? I crack up every single day when I hear you are still st it, or did you quit again this week? You remind me of that other local hobby blog. Hey EBT Blogger, we had 62,000 hits on Monday, our slowest day of the week. How about you? ROTFLMAO@U

  40. They should be expelled for what they did.

  41. Ok I can accept not enough "evidence" to file charges but you don't need to be convicted of a crime to violate school policy and rules. The school needs to punish all which were involved even if they stood by and let this happen. And come he** or high water you will never convince me or others that if the students were caucasion that they would not be facing disciplinary action by the university!

    1. It is not mdop, it was a dry erase board... Wipe it off and gone... No damage. Now the hate crime part is another story, not sure on that one.

  42. First of all, I said it when I first saw this "crime" (Oh, my!) Whoever found this toilet stall quality drawing needs to crawl to the nearest "safe space", whatever that crap is, and cry his/ her little eyes out until dry. Maybe then you can once again walk outside without being "offended" from clouds that look like a penis or something. I've been exposed to toilet stall graffiti for over 55 years now, and I'm still just fine!

    For Matt Mostaccioli, nice job! Keep it up!

  43. Well, if a white student were ever to do this same thing, I would hope that they wouldn't have enough evidence on them to charge them either. B.S. is what I think of this, plain and simple.

  44. what does the school president say ?.

  45. OMG, God forbid if it were whitey, they would have been expelled, and charged with some type of hate crime.

  46. I can't wait for a white person to do it and see what happens. Not that I want it to happen but fair is fair. Someone tell me what would happen. I am so tied of the AA saying that the whites are the reason or every thing wrong in their lives yet they do something. Just because they can. It is time to stand up and say enough is enough. map

  47. If any race except black was on tape doing this they would be charged with a hate crime, being racist and intent on inciting riots or other destructive behavior. They would be charged and expelled from school. Black people did this and it is a hate crime against other races intended to create riots or at the very least destructive behavior. It is racist they were attempting to create a division between races and incite conflict. This type of behavior needs to be dealt with instead of being swept under the rug it us racial baiting which is just as bad as rascism. They should be charged and expelled from school. To get along in this world all sides need to stop this behavior.

  48. They could be charged with disorderly conduct/incitement.

    They clearly were attempting to incite a response from the social justice warriors and create a dangerous situation on campus. They need to be held to the same standard as if it were white students. They need to be expelled. Period.

  49. So have the names of the individuals been released?

  50. SU has a LONG history in sweeping student crimes under the rug. They will go to extreme lengths to keep the cash cow moving along!!!

  51. white students do it .

  52. SU Dr Eshbach of Salisbury University what say thee....?

  53. I guess that there is not enough real racism to fit the BLM narrative so it has to be created. If white kids did this we would have known their names and seen their face on the 24 hr news networks. SU needs to set an example that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

  54. Joe
    This is being squashed so not to give the college parents a heads up on it ,it's also about the $$$$$$

  55. As most of you know this does not fit the bill for charges. No Confederate Flag wearing White guys. No Cops or just White period. This does not fit Matt's agenda. It does not fit the MSN agenda. This fits no political agenda. Wrong race wrong kids. Sadly this is what America is facing politically correctness.

    If these young men were White they would have been treated much like the DUKE lacrosse team. Convicted without a trial. Convicted by the media and politicians.

    These young men hurt and offended a community. A community that by enlarge gets along fine. At a minimum they owe a public apology to S.U. They owe it to all people of this community. I do not know where these young men are from but they need to go back there and spread their filth. I do not see the good in protecting those that tried to incite racial strife among us.

    I do not know what goes through one's head when they try to start violence and inflict fear in people that never had any contact with these young men. Did they believe it would quell their fear about themselves as men ?? I do not think so.

    I just hope a strong lesson is learned here. This community can withstand almost anything. We do not have the b.s. going on in Baltimore and other places where men like these are dividing people by race.

    They should have to wear bill boards identifying who they are. They should be shamed. I know all you liberals are crying for these two turds. The damage they could have done far outweighs the youth of their mistakes.

    Matt I am shocked at the outcome. Joe thank you for bringing this to light. Who actually did this investigation. I intend to file a freedom of information to get the truth here.

    Sorry this just does not feel right.

    1. Your so misguided to think we don't have what Baltimore has.

  56. They need to fire Dr Janet eshbach the SU president period.

  57. 1023 she must support this behavior otherwise those kids bags would have been packed and gone back to their KKK house.

    1. The SU president won't say anything because she also got caught up in a Facebook racist act ,Google her.

  58. Wait I'm confused. Was this a hate crime or did an African American do this just for a reaction, which is just as bad. Honestly which one was it.

    1. Both.

      An AA committed this hate crime just to provoke the expected aggrieved reaction.

  59. Clearly, Matt doesn't know how to do his job, the story below this one has a black getting charges for almost the same thing! I see he is as much of a problem here as that useless Duncan.

  60. we can do what we want anytime any place , get over it butt heads

  61. Another PC POLITICAL HACK afraid to do his job. Talk about an open and shut case!!!

  62. It only would have been a "hate crime" if a white person had done it. Because they found out it was done by "someone else" it is now just a prank. That is the way our system works these days. It picks and chooses whose lives matters. I am beginning to feel like there is an awful lot of "black privilege" going on these days. If a black person uses the "N" work it is okay. If a white person uses it they are racist. If a black person drew this it is a prank. If it had been a white person it would have been a "hate crime."

  63. the aclu should be contacted - African Criminal Liberties Union

    1. That's who PROTECTS this kind of behavior unfortunately.

  64. Double standard here. When the drawing became light did students go to the SU President and make demands b/c they didn't feel safe. Did this drawing initiate a false race conflict? White people are tired of these tricks. Did this student[s] do this on their own or did someone else encourage this? The damage is done. They need to pay the price. How do white students on campus get their reputation back after this?

  65. Well how about this - people out there, think twice about sending your kids to SU, no one in this town will tell you what's going on except here on this blog. Our police department doesn't want you to know that there is crime in this town, right around the college, the Sheriff's Dept. doesn't want you to know it either. Don't check with them when you are deciding where to send your kids - check with Joe, right here on this blog and he will fill you in on what the crime is like in Salisbury, LE will do nothing but sugar coat statistics.

  66. To the people attempting to attack Maciarello on this matter, you need to be educated.

    The investigation must be complete and charges have to be brought forward to the States Attorneys Office before Maciarello can do ANYTHING.

    Matt is not Judge and Jury. However, he has a responsibility to bring a solid case forward.

    Matt is not a "coward" or a "chicken", as some of you have implied, ANONYMOUSLY, of course.

    Talk to the Chief of Police at SU. If you have anything critical to say at this point you should do so there and not at Maciarello.

  67. Joe - You still don't get it. These locals know everything. They are smarter than the teachers, lawyers, doctors, accountants and any other professional because they were born here just like all their relatives for a hundred or so years.

    1. keeping the Bury back 100 years.

  68. The White students need to protest.

  69. To those who keep insisting it is not an M.D.O.P. you are wrong if the property defaced does not belong to you then yes it is an M.D.O.P. It does not matter that it can be wiped off. It is the intent of the offender. A judge and jury would find these young men guilty. The intent was not to wish one well in what was written. It was to inflict racial disharmony and inflict fear in minority students.

    Matt can not say he did not want to take this court in fear of losing the case. It is about justice for the victim. In this case you have thousands of victims Black and White alike. My concern is I know first hand how hard Matt kisses the ass of the N.A.A.C.P. With that said I think Matt's political pandering has blown up in his face. Matt is a great person and a good attorney. He just screwed the pooch on this one. Take it to court if they are found not guilty then so be it. Justice is served and all this over.

    Joe again you got this one right from the start. This is the stuff I read this blog for.

  70. Forgetting the color of the alleged culprits it is a hate crime and they should be dealt with accordingly. The school has to expel these students as they would if they were white. White lives matter!

  71. They don't have enough evidence to charge ONE of the two.

    So they do have enough evidence to charge one of them?

    Waiting, anticipating...

  72. People do not know how much influence SU has here in Salisbury. Isn't there a height restriction on buildings here in Salisbury? Look at that tower they have at the new construction on SU campus. They would not let Cracker Barrel build a restaurant here because they wanted a rather tall sign put up and Salisbury said no. So Cracker Barrel left.


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