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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

National Aquarium Releasing Rehabbed Seal in Ocean City Tomorrow

We’re happy to report that our harbor seal patient, Megatron, has been cleared for release!

After 11 weeks in rehabilitation, Megatron has recovered from his initial cases of dehydration, emaciation and skin lesions. 
Thanks to a steady diet of herring, squid and capelin, Megatron has gained almost 21 pounds throughout his rehabilitation stay. He has also grown 15 centimeters in length! 
megatron eating
On the morning of May 11, our team will be transporting Megatron down to Ocean City, Maryland for release. His release will be open to the public. For those interested in joining, the release will take place on the beach near 40th street (parking is available in the nearby Convention Center lot).



  1. Great if it's happy being released.They must be different than other wild animals that cannot be reintroduced to the wild after having been in captivity.

  2. Man this seal almost looks like he is human how anyone could ever hurt these gifts of god is way beyond me.


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