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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Maryland school systems review federal bathroom mandate

BALTIMORE —Are Maryland schools complying with the new federal transgender bathroom mandate?

The Maryland State Department of Education put out guidelines in October suggesting schools provide access to restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to student's gender identity.

MSDE also recommends schools have a gender-neutral, single-stall bathroom available for all students.

MSDE said it's reviewing the guidance from federal officials to determine whether there is additional information that it can give to Maryland school systems.



  1. And these people have nothing better to do than worry about bathrooms? Seems we have gotten along pretty well up to now with the ones we had. There must be bigger fish to fry in Washington and Annapolis

  2. Maybe we need TSA security agents in school bathroom and shower doorways to examine each individual's body parts. That way 99.07% can be directed to their correct area. If TSA finds no body parts that .03 of 1% don't need a bathroom anyway.

  3. Ignore this. Period. This is what 13 plus other states have done. They are completely ignoring this so called order. ignore the naked king.

  4. They would rather deal with absurd faux issues than improving the country.

  5. Hillary for Prison 2016May 14, 2016 at 1:29 PM

    This is a SMOKE AND MIRROR created by Obama so you do not pay attention to Hillary and her crimes!!!

  6. They're are people just dripping with anticipation on this rule.


  7. 1:29
    Hadn't thought of that, makes sense.

  8. Put in a bathroom like this = students will have the crap beaten out of them if they use it . Liberal SB'S.

  9. Marylands a suck up state.first to jump to illegal gun bans, as well as illegal dictates from a illegal president. Lets hope this gov has the nads. Him dissing Trump is strike one for me

  10. Larry Hogan should do the same as our friends in Texas! Please fly a Texas flag to support their decision to fight the Obama Administration.

  11. Osama has no comment at this time, he's on the fourth hole at congressional country club. shhhhh


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