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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Man invents toilet seat that glows to help you go in the dark

LEBANON, Pa. (WENN) — When American man Dave Reynolds hurt himself in the bathroom one night, he decided that no one should ever have to go through the same ordeal. So, he invented the world's first glow-in-the-dark toilet seat that can be spotted and used safely in the dark. Thanks to his creation, you don't need to worry about fumbling with the light switch or tripping in the dark anymore.

"It eliminates the problem of not knowing where you are or where you're going," said Reynolds, a former employee of Virgin Records. "This could help anyone from a grandparent to children."

He first got the idea for the unique product when he suffered a bathroom mishap shortly after moving to Lebanon, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 2012. "I went to the bathroom one night and literally fell off the toilet in the dark," he recalled. "On my way down, I felt something was wrong. I bounced off the toilet, fell to the ground and halfway into the bathtub. The next morning I was all banged and bruised and I told my family what had happened and, of course, they all laughed at me."



  1. I just take a vitamin.

  2. Pretty nifty idea!

  3. Does it come with glow in the dark toilet paper?

  4. buy a night light....$2.00

  5. Some bathrooms are equipped with a wall switch just inside next to the door that turns on a light.

    1. That pretty much has solved that problem years ago AGREED!! But today's society is just naive enough and gullible enough that he'll make his million

  6. Give the man a Nobel Prize.


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