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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Man Accused of Peeping in Women’s Restroom Also Faces Child Porn Charges

A Pennsylvania man who was arrested for taking photos of a 10-year-old girl in a public restroom has now also been hit with child porn charges, police report.

Quarryville, PA, resident James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, was arrested last week when he was found hiding in a stall of the woman’s bathroom in the Sheetz store on Manheim Pike. Police said he was taking images of young girls on his cell phone.

The arrest comes as progressives step up their judicial and media push to force American adults and youths to share all of their public bathrooms and changing rooms with the small number of people who try to live and look like people of the opposite sex. In mid-April, for example, Target stores announced they would only allow mixed-sex changing rooms and toilets. On April 21, media outlets claimed that Donald Trump supported the progressive campaign to eliminate single-sex bathrooms.

In fact, Trump backs the current live-and-let-live policy favored by most Americans, in which they willingly tolerate the quiet use of normal bathrooms by people of the opposite sex.



  1. He just needs to claim he feels like a woman trapped in a man's body. He was just in the restroom for research. He needed to learn how to pee like a girl, because he is going to be a woman, like Kate Jenner. It's all good.....

  2. Blame cameras. If no one had a camera, this wouldn't have happened.

  3. 10:12
    I like it!

    People should register their cameras. Anyone who is insane should not be allowed to have a camera. Only persons 18 years of age should have a camera. And no concealed carry cameras allowed!

  4. Yup! We really need to worry about dem trans genders, Billy Bob!

  5. He (she?) was probably making training films to be sure he was doing it right. If it were a (biological) female taking the photos, would anyone be upset?

    1. No where does it say that this man is transgender. He is a pedophile. Big difference. Not sure why people think gay and transgender people are pedophiles. Most pedophiles are heterosexual men. And yes I would have a problem with a woman or anyone taking pictures of my child in a bathroom.

    2. That was a fairly ignorant and pointless comment. Are you only on beer #3 for today?

  6. Ebay sells a camera the ties onto the laces of a shoe to get underwear, and upskirt photo's. Seller has sold over 200,000 of them!

    1. And if I see you wearing one in public I'm going to drop something on your foot.

  7. What?? It's Ok for a pervert to go into the ladies room and whip out his willy for little girls to see, but a grown man can't peep in their to see women? WTH is wrong with this country(Sarcasm)!

  8. @12:17om you totally miss the point, a male can say he identifies as a female that day and go into the female bathroom. There wouldn't be any restrictions, Think a little more on the issue. Instead of being so ignorant.

  9. 19 years old and a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. And then there are the beatings he's going to take. I hope that the rest of his predator buddies get nailed too.

  10. Comments suggest everyone agrees on this.

  11. He's not alone in this. Who do you think he uploads those photos to?

  12. "Anonymous said...

    No where does it say that this man is transgender. He is a pedophile. Big difference. Not sure why people think gay and transgender people are pedophiles. Most pedophiles are heterosexual men. And yes I would have a problem with a woman or anyone taking pictures of my child in a bathroom.

    April 25, 2016 at 12:17 PM"

    Perverts have been dressing up as woman for forever and going into women's restrooms and assaulting, raping and murdering women and young girls. This transgender bathroom thing is a perverts dream come true. What's really disturbing is that so many people like 12:17 can't forward think. And what's even more disturbing is that those who can, could care less if a child or a teenager loses their life by someone who is certainly waiting in the wings to take advantage. But then what do you expect from a party who supports "we have to keep it alive until we get the organs." Democrats have no business saying Hitler was evil when they are just as and more evil then he ever was.

  13. "Anonymous said...

    He's not alone in this. Who do you think he uploads those photos to?

    April 25, 2016 at 2:31 PM"

    Other perverts who are getting dressed right now as I type to make their way to the nearest Target's ladies room.

  14. He just identifies as a female. This is what I think will be happening more and more with this bathroom stuff. It is not that I am afraid of a transgender person being in the restroom, it is the pervert who only says, "I identify as a female," so that they can get in the room and do like this guy or worse.

  15. 3:33. You care to back up your assertions with actual facts?

  16. I am a woman, and I have seen men peeing in the sinks at concerts with us women, and they just don't care! They let it all hang out no modesty! I don't need this in a store for my little girls to see, I don't need the hassle of all the questions.

  17. If you have a penis, regardless of what kind of body it's attached to, you go through the door that says MEN.

    If you don't have a penis, you go through the door marked WOMEN.

    This is the way it has always worked. Why do we need more laws explaining this?


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