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Friday, May 13, 2016

Just How Divided Is the GOP Over Trump?

Producers, editors and reporters have highlighted a "divided Republican Party" motif in their coverage of the presidential race in recent days.

A lot of this came after last Tuesday's Indiana primary and Ted Cruz's and John Kasich's subsequent exit from the race -- and the indisputable fact that some GOP leaders have publicly announced they will either not endorse Donald Trump or will not vote for him.

The Washington Post headlined "Trump Takes the Reins of a Divided GOP," while The Wall Street Journal summarized their "Journal Editorial Report" broadcast as "A Divided GOP" and MSNBC asked: "Can a Party Divided Against Itself Still Stand?"

But what of the rank-and-file Republicans -- those across the country who are not famous leaders of the GOP, but either identify with or lean to the Republican Party?



  1. If tRump is the nominee, I will simply abstain from voting in the general election.

    1. You shouldn't vote. Thinking you are a Republican when you are nothing but a rino or a Democrat

  2. Everybody Loves Trump!

    1. They sure do! Trump all the way!

  3. 9:04 is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT

  4. Give Trump credit for wanting anything to do with this mess created by republication establishment. They need to be ASHAMED!

  5. Trump has not only won the hearts of the majority of Republicans, but the majority of Democrats as well!

    How many Hillary or Bernie yard signs have you seen out there?

    I rest my case!

  6. I will now vote for who ever is running against tRump just because of 11:11 now. +1

  7. part of the problem is you have ones on the local level like Jackie Welfonder and Julie Brewery that are more interested in getting attention for themselves vs trying to unite the party and get behind the nominee. Candidate Trump is not a liberal nor a Democrat. he denounced all of that back when Obama went into office. This is what finally opened Trumps eyes. He said 7 years ago what a disaster Obama is. The convention is this week-end and Julie is trying to drum up votes for the delegate seat. She will not vote for Trump if she can get away with it. I hope people are smart enough not to give her one of those spots These people need to face reality, their candidate did not win. Get over it and focus on stopping Hillary instead of trying to stop Trump. But again its all about attention for them instead of whats the better option for the people. Another thing is not just attention but Welfonder is trying to use these people to make money for herself and in hopes of getting a job with one of them. If these people were smart they would not give a job of dog catcher. How long is it going to take for people to wake up to these two?


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