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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Journalist's admission a step to legitimizing pedophilia

In my youth, I tended to devour any popular fiction (books, films, etc.) that depicted themes so bizarre and personally challenging that they defied the protagonists’ ability to retain any semblance of humanity throughout the course of the story. Such fare was all the more plausible when the story’s hero was a young person who was still in the process of developing his or her value system.

When such circumstances materialize in the world in which we actually live, I cannot say they hold quite the same allure.

About a month ago, I wrote a column detailing a prediction that in its ongoing efforts to debase society, the political left would soon see fit to begin legitimizing pedophilia. To this end, pedophiles would form activist groups as the North American Man-Boy Love Association did in the 1970s and 1980s – but this time, they would have prominent, deep-pocketed supporters.

Those who believe that child molesters should be fed into the handiest wood-chipper will be characterized as bigots by snarling liberals – just as occurred when citizens tried to prevent other sexual deviants from running roughshod over individual liberties. In my commentary, I maintained that just as the “rights” of transgendered people came to supersede the privacy rights and safety of our women and children, the “rights” of people who include sex acts with children among their lifestyle choices (which a panel of scrawny, pony-tailed university professors will declare are hardwired into their DNA and therefore “normal”) will supersede the rights of all American children to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


  1. This is being done because of muslim acceptance in other countrys coming here.

  2. People reading this may or may not find it credible....so I want to tell you from first hand knowledge that the MBLA is very real. When I first heard of this organization many years ago I really thought someone had lost their mind. In the light of day they lobbied for "man boy love" with the credibility of one doctor that had managed to convince elected officials and power brokers that this was a real "lifestyle choice." I am shocked to see that this is still alive. But considering the mood in this country it seems as a normal progression in this sick world. Just goes to show how much damage one doctor with a degree and powerful friends can do. The emperor has no clothes people!!!!

  3. Article is correct. It is coming. Hollywood will get all of us ready for it.

  4. 5:52 Same here. When I heard about this group I researched because I could not believe it was true. Sad, just very sad! Also the ACLU represented the group in a first amendment case.

  5. When Hillary is President, she said she is going to implement Shara Law. This nation will be a Muslim nation, following Muhammad teachings. Muhammad had sex with children.


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