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Sunday, May 01, 2016

Hundreds Of Trump Protesters Surround And Attack Police Car In California


  1. WELFARRE thugs mad that the gravy train is ending.

  2. I lived in California and yes while the landscape is pretty it is still a pit. You wouldn't want to raise a family there.

  3. 6:57 AM, EXACTLY, and every last one of them should be arrested and they should be made to pay for all damages done to police vehicle.

  4. The Obama administration nearing and end of uncivilized rule.
    Bring in the military and rid ourselves of this Hispanic cancer .

  5. Shouldn't they be called what they are; Cruz supporters?

    1. They are mostly Bernie supporters.

  6. The thugs this summer will be out of control, Watch,and lock and load.

  7. It's time that our national identity is brought back to full health from its recently acquired progressive illnesses. RLK

  8. Rioting is a crime. Rioters are criminals.

  9. 10 rioters, 50 protesters, 200 journalists, 2000 gawkers.

  10. Bite me 7:38! I support Cruz and don't condone this crap, stop grouping people together as a whole. I could easily say trumptard or some other insult, but that would the kind of thing an uninformed voter would say.

  11. I just do not understand what they think they are accomplishing. They look ridiculous.

  12. Illegal immigrants protesting. They allow blacks and Latino do whatever they want.

  13. 8:04 don't waste your keyboard on a punk thug like 7:38. 7:38 not better than the protester.

  14. THIS IS WHY YOU CHARGE THE S.U. TWO !!!!!!!!!!!!! They attempted cause just this type of reaction.

  15. these fools are worried that they might have to find a job someday

  16. "Shouldn't they be called what they are; Cruz supporters?"

    How can anyone, in this age of news inundation, be this misinformed? Or are you really that stupid???

  17. SU black students can't be charged, they are covered by "Black Privilege".

  18. Then everyone wonders why Trump wants to build that wall. To keep these thugs they are sending over here illegally to tear up our country. They should be sitting their little butts in a jail cell right now and made to pay for all of the damage they did.

  19. if they love mexico so much, why aren't they living in mexico

  20. Why don't they understand if you like him then just don't vote for him. All they are doing is making him look good and getting more people to vote him. TRUMP 2016 please I prayer. If you can't vote then it is your problem not his. I think he is the best and maybe our last hope. millie

  21. And Mr.Trump is just a candidate in the primaries...think about how much fear and hatred will overcome those simians once it's the general election. And when he is elected president, they're going to bring down some much deserved justice on their own heads.


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