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Thursday, May 26, 2016

How This Senator Betrayed 9/11 Families

Last week’s unanimous passage of a Senate bill making it easier for 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia and other foreign terror sponsors was widely heralded as a major victory.

It’s more of a cruel hoax. 

It turns out that just before the vote, Sen. Charles Schumer and other proponents of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act stuffed an amendment into the final draft allowing the attorney general and secretary of state to stop any litigation against the Saudis in its tracks. 

Yes, JASTA would remove the statutory restrictions that have prevented 9/11 families from taking the Saudi kingdom to court. But Schumer helped craft an entirely new section to the original bill, giving the Justice and State departments the power to stay court action indefinitely. All they have to do is inform the judge hearing the case that the US government has engaged with ­Riyadh in diplomatic talks to resolve the issue. 

The quiet, behind-the-scenes watering-down of the controversial bill explains why it passed without a single Republican or Democratic objection. The White House had lobbied senators heavily to kill the bill.

Source: New York Post


  1. Its very obvious this war has been treason and bush and the current admin fully responsible to continue to cover up this illuminati coup

  2. This is clearly why we need Donald J. Trump as our President.

  3. We are so scared of our government our true freedom is gone they lie steel and enrich them self with treasure and power and we keep voting for them if they have ruled for two terms it is time for them to go ,

  4. unreal covering up for the saudis so they dont have to pay out the families that didnt recieve $ from the Victim comp fumd real nice schumer i hope the police fire and civilians knock on you pos door.

  5. The conspiracy theorists have officially been vindicated.

  6. It's the banker family parties are mastermind everything in the past form lie to mass murder on grand scale.

  7. Considering that its the people of NYC he represents its the worst kind of betrayal there is. He screwed his own people. Caught red handed. I wonder if those idiots will reelect him?

  8. So, we have an American DEMOCRAT senator that knows the Saudi Government was involved in an attack on our country and he is blocking other Americans from holding them responsible. In other words he is protecting our enemies, which kinda makes him a candidate for American justice, euthanize him as a traitor.

    1. I hope he NEVER needs 9/11 for assistance and all those cops and fireman show up.

  9. All of Congress are pieces of ESSS!


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