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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hillary Emails: CNN Reporter Offered Clinton Platform to Promote Her ‘Top Priorities’

CNN’s global affairs correspondent Elise Labott makes a cameo appearance in the latest batch of 130-pages of Hillary Clinton emails released last week as the result of a Judicial Watch lawsuit and reviewed in full by this reporter.

The email shows that on April 16, 2009, Labott contacted then-Clinton Senior Adviser Philippe I. Reines and other top Clinton aides to offer Clinton the opportunity to feature her “top priorities” as secretary of state as part of a CNN.com series titled, “First 100 days.” The series is about the Obama administration’s first 100 days in office.

Such an email ordinarily would not stand out. However, Labott’s case is exceptional due to her history of consulting Clinton aides. Previously released Clinton correspondence showed Labott worked directly with Reines to craft two tweets that she eventually published. One tweet criticized Rand Paul for asking Clinton tough questions during a Benghazi hearing. A second tweet was favourable of Clinton’s Benghazi testimony.

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1 comment:

  1. That's why they're known as the 'Clinton News Network'!


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