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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Half of Immigrant-led Households Skirt Welfare Rules

Immigrants are supposed to be beneficial to the U.S. — so much so that federal law requires them to prove they won’t end up on the public dole if they are legally admitted.

But it’s a stricture honored more in the breach than in compliance, according to statistics obtained by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which found that of the millions of legal immigrants living in the U.S. and collecting welfare or other public benefits, only a single person was kicked out of the country over the last three years for becoming a public burden.

That seems to fly in the face of federal policies that, dating back to the very first broad immigration law in the 1880s, have demanded that immigrants prove they will be able to support themselves.

New immigrants can be denied if they can’t show their financial means, and those already in the country can be deported if they fail to live up to the bargain — but that hardly ever happens, according to FAIR’s data.

The group had asked the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which hears the cases, for data on five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba and Colombia. EOIR said it found just three cases brought between 2013 and 2015, all of them against Mexicans, and only one of those charges was sustained.

More here


  1. We Americans , especially minorities who receive welfare do the same , we have taught them well. Welfare , the Acorn of the government.
    People of color get what they want , this is reinforced by the crooked government workers .

  2. But if they are classified as "refugees" instead of "immigrants" this doesn't apply...?

  3. People of color. Lol does that apply to the sun kissed caucasians i see using their independence cards? Welfare receipients is a spectrum of users which come in a spectrum of colors. & i do discriminate, i can tell the hard working families from the bum lazy, crack smoking or heroin shooting ones. Dont judge them all.


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