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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Defense Attorney admits Casey Anthony killed her daughter, says PI in new court documents

A private investigator hired by Jose Baez, the defense attorney for Casey Anthony, claims Baez admitted that Casey Anthony killed and buried the body of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

In an affidavit, Dominic Casey said Baez told him he "needed all the help he could get to find the body before somebody else did."

The investigator also said Casey Anthony wanted to implicate the man who ended up discovering Caylee’s body by suggesting her attorneys say he kidnapped her.

These documents came as public record from part of Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy case filed in Tampa.



  1. That is a CRIME as a attorney he needs to be disbarred.

  2. Still can't believe that with all of the evidence, she was found not guilty.

  3. 9:52 and you can state the facts of your statement?

  4. No it's not "a CRIME as a attorney!" 9:52 If a client says she didn't do it then that's what an attorney follows. That and the evidence and in this case there was no evidence to even hint that Anthony killed the child BECAUSE the med ex could not give a cause of death. An attorney's personal feelings mean nothing. You go where the evidence leads.

  5. Who didn't know she did it?

  6. If he knew she murdered someone he had a obligation as a seragate of the court to Report it FOOL.

  7. What evidence 10:17? When a cause of death can not be determined it's not always possible to then be able to conclude beyond any reasonable doubt that a murder had in fact been committed.

  8. 10:42 It would be prudent before you ever ever again call anyone a fool to know what you are talking about. Do you understand! First of all this isn't the attorney saying this but an investigator who said this. It's a he said he said type of thing. You ever heard of hearsay? Look it up Fool! Secondly what's a "seragate of the court?" I suppose you mean surrogate and FYI Fool a surrogate of the court deals with the affairs of decedents.
    Thirdly defense attorneys are ethically bound to zealously represent their client and not let their personal opinions of the guilt or innocence of the client in the way. If a client says they didn't do it, that's how you defend no matter what your opinion is. Do you understand! In this case there was no way a jury could have found her guilty without as stated above a cause of death. This was a case of prosecutors and the county ME "Dr G" wanting to show off and make a name for themselves.

    1. wow another arm chair attorney.

  9. Wrong 10:42. A trial is about putting the government to it's proof.
    In general (ethical rules do vary by state), a lawyer cannot reveal knowledge of guilt unless it is evidence of an ongoing crime (some states) or is evidence that would lead to the imminent danger of harm to someone. Lawyers cannot knowingly suborn perjury - and must notify the court if the discover a witness or defendant has lied - but they are not ethically required to deliver incriminating evidence to the prosecutor or judge.

    The same cannot be said of prosecutors, however, who are required by ethical rules to hand over to the defense any evidence that could be exculpatory in nature.

  10. So 1151 you berate someone for calling somebody a fool and then proceed to do so. Nice values. btw what law school did you graduate from? Other than Google and CSI your "expertise" isn't exactly setting the world on fire.

  11. 12:08 Casey Anthony could have given Jose Baez a video tape of her killing the child and guess what-He is under no obligation to turn it over to investigators or the prosecution. The rule in plain English is: If the prosecution doesn't know about it, defense counsel doesn't have to go around telling them.
    In such a case lawyer would then counsel the accused to not take the stand so as to not give perjured testimony. What a lawyer can not do is suborn perjury.
    As stated by 12:03 it's all about the government being able to prove their case. Under the law, the accused isn't legally guilty until convicted, so even if the lawyer knows his client is factually guilty, he cannot say whether his client is legally guilty until the trial has actually taken place because it's all about the state being able to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

  12. I could never morally defend someone that was guilty.

  13. Due to double jeopardy, this woman will never see proper justice for taking the life of her child. It's ashame she got away with this caper because a child's life was quashed due to her mother's greed and selfishness. Surely there were others who would've wanted that child. But sociopaths have no feelings nor empathy for others; even their own blood relatives makes no difference to them. Hopefully, karma will find it's way to her where our justice system gravely failed.

  14. hell better than my divorce attorney he was trying to ask my ex out on a date while preparing divorce on my behalf. Then when I confronted him he wouldn't even come downstairs to confront me

  15. Watched the whole trial on Court TV played everyone,and hung her head and acted sad the whole time except when pictures of the dead child were shown, or she tried to put the finger on her own dad. She left her child all alone to party all the time, wanted the single life.

  16. Then you need to move to some middle eastern country that practices sharia law 12:49. It has nothing to do with morals but with the constitution which you are either a believer in or you are not. There is no middle ground when it comes to the constitution. You don't support it-then you do not belong in this country. As stated above the US justice system is all about the government's ability to prove a case. It doesn't matter what the lawyers involved think, know or their opinions.

  17. The justice system didn't "gravely???" fail 1:36! That's ridiculous. You win the stupidest comment of the day award because you know what, the justice system worked in this case! How about explaining exactly what evidence pointed toward her guilt? Use some common sense how about it since intellectually you are obvious deficient. When the med examiner could not give a cause of death how can you say the child was murdered? You can't if you are an honest moral person.

  18. She should be the babysitter for Obama's girls when they have kids.

  19. Explain to me why priests have to report a confessiin of murder but Attornys Dont ?.

  20. Not true 4:11. As a matter of fact no one including a priest has a duty to report a crime after the fact. However you can not obstruct justice, so if the police come calling you cannot lie about what you know about a crime.

  21. People in certain professions while in that capacity have a duty to report a crime i.e. teacher, social worker, doctor for example. The clergy do have a duty to report but there is a such thing as Priest-penitent (confession) privilege.
    So a child tells his teacher his broken arm was the result of being abused the teacher has a mandatory obligation to report to proper authorities. If the next week that same teacher while walking down a street sees someone getting murder they do not have to report it.

    1. That S##t needs to change they are just as copeable.

  22. Like we didn't already know.

  23. Her time will come, karma is a BIT$$

  24. Casey did not kill her daughter,but she sat through all of that knowing who did.AND she would have gone to prison knowing who did and STILL wouldn't have told.I don't understand that mentality & absolutely do not define it as loyalty.The attorney is currently rattling her cage with his allegations in an attempt to force her to divulge the name.

  25. Her time will come, and karma will eat her alive, God does justice to those who deserve it!

  26. 4:01-True,but it's not up to us to decide who God deals out justice TO.Gods will is vastly superior to human emotion.


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