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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clinton Chronicles (full movie) Wow. How did this film get so little exposure?


  1. Our media is and always has been CORRUPT. ALL of the media should be charged with treason. There is a movie with Tom Cruise as Barry Seals (Mena) coming out, conveniently in January 2017. This goes back as far as George H.W. Bush, Oliver North and the CIA. Corruption is deep into our government. This documentary proves that EVERYONE can be bribed, extorted or blackmailed.

    This documentary shows how the USA is run, right down to our local governments. Our country is gone!! There is more info at "The Crimes of Mena: Gray Money".

    After watching this, I don't think Trump will be able to do anything now. No one can. Only God can save us.

  2. These are two people who have been anointed by Satan, not by God.

  3. Starting to see the wisdom of hanging EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN, from the top all the way down to the local county council?
    Why did it get so little exposure??? Are you kidding?
    Who wants to be next on the "soon to die" list??
    the film also proves what I've been telling you --- it's rich white people, Congressmen, military officers, and police who are bringing the 5 ton shipments of cocaine and marijuana into the country.
    So, go ahead and keep your eye on the black guys getting popped with
    300 dime bags of heroin. Pay no attention to the Coast Guard commander buying that ski lodge on his salary or the Congressman who's net worth went up 20 million in 3 years, or the police commander who somehow has TWO Benz's and and an 8 bedroom mansion on the Florida coast.
    Yep. THEY just worked hard and saved.

  4. Joe, please keep this posted during and until the election is over in November. This is something everyone should see.


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