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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clinton Accomplishments


  1. Pretty much nothing, except screwing our country! Trump all the way, get your big boy panties on Washington, HES COMING FOR YOU!

  2. So, she wants us to believe that in the intervening decades since then, she has completely turned around and changed from a lying, cheating, dishonest, and unethical lawyer (another strike against her, by the way), to an angel.
    An angel of death.
    A dozen (!!) of their bodyguards are dead?!
    Insiders kill themselves. Get ambushed and shot on a lonely country road.
    Die in plane and car crashes.
    Witnesses about to come forward are found dead of "heart attacks".
    Tired of living? Drop a hint that you have some information on their murderous and corrupt trail of tears.
    I'll send flowers.
    Keep cheering this utterly corrupt piece of trash.

  3. People are snowed by her because they cannot imagine that anyone could lie with such ease. Most of them have never had personal experience with a pathological liar and are pulled in by what seems to be, to them, at least, a straight-talking middle-aged woman.
    People, she is NOT your friend and she will NOT tell the truth if it means that she'll risk being caught at something.
    She and her husband are international scam artists, and are not to be trusted.


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