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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Campus Radicals: 5 Conservative Students Who Stand Up to PC Culture

If "counterculture" means fighting the status quo, then nobody on today’s college campuses is more radical than the outspoken conservative student. They face ridicule, censorship and bullying from scornful classmates and faculty, all because their worldview is different from the prevailing politically correct orthodoxy.

High-profile comedians including Jerry Seinfeld have given up performing on college campuses, conservative speakers have been disinvited from addressing students and strident demonstrators have increasingly demanded that those who disagree with them be silenced. But not all of their classmates agree, and some refuse to keep their opinions to themselves.

FoxNews.com interviewed five college conservatives who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, even if doing so carries a price.

"I was called a 'Race traitor'"

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